Maurice Eugene Rupel memoirs, undated, written for his children.Copy received June 2001from his niece Margaret Rupel Bullock, 814College Street, Woodland, California 95695. Maurice was Mary ElizabethDrollinger Rupel's youngest child, born 26 September 1925.

Source Information

  • Title Maurice Eugene Rupel memoirs, undated, written for his children.Copy received June 2001from his niece Margaret Rupel Bullock, 814College Street, Woodland, California 95695. Maurice was Mary ElizabethDrollinger Rupel's youngest child, born 26 September 1925. 
    Short Title Maurice Rupel Memoirs 
    Author Maurice Eugene Rupel 
    Source ID S399 
    Text Mamie's son Maurice wrote lovingly of his days when Grandfather Drollinger, "to me a 'perfect' grandfather," lived with them. Maurice as the youngest in a family of 12 children followed his grandfather around and remembered taking afternoon naps in his lap. He said, "In fact, we were such a large family and had to double-up bed space so he and I shared a bed for several years. I used to imitate his walking and to this day, I have a tendency to walk with a toe-out pattern as he did." (A 1929 photograph depicts Quin in a toe-out stance.) Although Grandfather Drollinger still raised vegetables and operated the retail gas station on the farm, he wasn't too spry. Maurice and his brothers helped him tie his shoes because it was hard for him to bend over. Maurice remembered the time his brother was tying Grandfather's shoes and Grandfather sneezed so hard his upper plate sailed out of his mouth. That made quite an impression on the young boys.