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Partner Information Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage, & DeathAnnouncements, 1851-2003
Marriage > Los Angeles, California > 1959 > 379
Record for Historical Newspapers, Birth, Marriage, & DeathAnnouncements, 1851-2003
Newspaper: Los Angeles Times (1886-Current File)
Event: Marriage
Publication: 14 Jun 1959 - Los Angeles, California
Downey - Their wedding Saturday is being planned by Diana Drollinger,daughter of the Dale T. Drollingers, 9631 Brock Ave., and Walter B.Reed, son of Mrs. William S. Reed, 11555 Paramount Blvd. The marriagewill take place at the home of Miss Drollinger's uncle and aunt, Mr.and Mrs. Rodney Drollinger, 10358 Pico Vista Rd. She is scheduled tograduate from Earl Warren High next month.
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 21 Jun 2011)