- The following is a copy of an email response from Richard John Drollinger to me, David H. Drollinger, dated 13 Feb 2013 regarding the early deaths of his siblings:
Well, since I was not on the scene yet, I can only tell you what I have been told which is "just" hearsay, ha, ha! I understand Burl only lived for an hour after birth, and Genevieve died of pneumonia at 19 months old. I remember well my Mother telling me about this and how hard it was especially to lose Genevieve at such a young age. They also lost another son Jackie Blaine to infectious hepatitis (yellow jaundice as it was called then). He was 4 years and 5 months old when he died. The doctor had told my Mother to make sure he had complete bed rest so the liver could rejuvenate itself from the disease. He loved to be with my Dad in the field, so when Mother wasn't looking he would sneak out to be with my Dad. Hence, due to lack of needed rest, he died.
The following is an excerpt from an email response I (David H. Drollinger) received 24 Sep 2013 from Beverly Jean Carpenter-Hansen:
Mom did have some siblings that did die young though. If I remember right Burl was premature but not sure. Genevieve was only about 18 months when she died but I don't know what from.....then Jackie became ill and died when he was about 4 and 1/2 from a disease but I don't remember right now what disease. I remember Mom saying he was really jaundice and something about the liver and that Uncle Larry started showing the same symptoms (Larry was younger than Jackie). They did an autopsy on Jackie to find out what it was and was able to treat Larry so he didn't die.