"SourceNr","Title","ShortTitle","Author","Publisher","Comments","Number" "S1","PA Birth Certificate","PA Birth Certificate","","","","3" "S104","Marriage Certificate","Marriage Certificate","","","","5" "S105","Newspaper Clipping","Newspaper Clipping","","","","1" "S107","Pension File","Pension File","","","","5" "S108","Marriage License Allegheny county court house","Marriage License Allegheny County PA","","","","1" "S109","Churchbooks Ellmendingen Baden","Churchbooks Ellmendingen Baden","","","","22" "S11","Records St Marks Luth Butler Cty PA","Records St Marks Luth Butler Cty PA","","","","3" "S112","Nodaway cty marriage records","Nodaway cty MO marriage records","","","","1" "S13","Pension File Nat Archives","Pension File Nat Archives Henry Trollinger","","","","4" "S137","Obituary Notices","Western Press Mercer County","","","","1" "S138","Crawford Journal 14 Feb 1889","Crawford Journal 14 Feb 1889","","","","1" "S141","Church Records Kirchberg Kreis Giessen","Church Records Kirchberg Kreis Giessen","","","","2" "S142","Church Records St Johns","Church Records St Johns","","","","1" "S143","Tombstones Trinity Lutheran","Tombstones Trinity Lutheran","","","","1" "S145","Birth Certificate Ireland","Birth Certificate Ireland","","","","2" "S146","Obituary","Obituary Notice","","","","16" "S147","Death Certificate","Death Certificate","","","","8" "S15","Pension file National Archives AW Drollinger","Pension file National Archives AW Drollinger","","","","1" "S151","Funeral Notice","Funeral Notice","","","","1" "S152","Service Record Royal Navy","Service Record Royal Navy","","","","1" "S153","Birth Certificate Kilmore, Down, Ire","Birth Certificate Kilmore, Down, Ire","","","","4" "S157","Service Record Extract","Service Record Extract","","","","1" "S158","Registrars Office, Belfast","Registrars Office, Belfast","","","","1" "S159","Crawford County courthouse","Crawford County PA Courthouse Records","","","","1" "S16","Ellmendingen Baden Church Records","Ellmendingen Baden Church Records","","","","1" "S17","U Presb Saxonburg PA (former Eng Ev Luth)","U Presb Saxonburg PA Records","","","","1" "S172","Pension File EA McGinnis","Pension File EA McGinnis","","","","1" "S175","service record","service record","","","","1" "S176","McGinniss & Scott Genealogy","McGinness & Scott Families and Their Branches","Samuel W. McGinness and Mary R. Ford","Murdoch, Kerr & C0., 53 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, 1892","","1" "S177","Pension File Joseph McGinnis","Pension File Joseph McGinnis","","","","8" "S178","marriage certificate 13 March 1853","Marriage Certificate Ireland","Register's Office, Downpatrick, Down Ireland","","","2" "S183","Preble county Ohio probate of William Drollinger 1824","Preble county Ohio probate of William Drollinger 1","","","","1" "S184","Book 1800 - 1853 NC","Frieden Lutheran Church Records","David R. Koontz","","","5" "S185","Randolph county Indiana History 1914","Randolph county Indiana History 1914","","","","3" "S190","History of LaPorte County IN","History of LaPorte County IN","","","","1" "S192","Census Records","Census Records","","","","3" "S193","Sedgwick county KS Maple Grove cemetery","Sedgwick county KS Maple Grove cemetery","","","","10" "S2","Registration of Birth of American Citizen","Registration of Birth of American Citizen","","","","1" "S202","grave stone Sauktown Cemetery, Wills Township, LaPorte County IN","grave stone Sauktown cemetery, wills twp","","","","5" "S204","Arlington, sec 3 grave #2062A","Arlington, sec 3 grave #2062A","","","","1" "S206","SS Death Records","SS Death Record Index","","","","20" "S207","SS Death Records","SS Death Records CD","Broderbund","","","3" "S21","Pension File Magdalena Drollinger","Pension File Magdalena Drollinger","","","","1" "S22","Records St Marks Butler Cty PA","Records St Marks Butler Cty PA","","","","1" "S228","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain cty IN","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain cty IN","","","","10" "S23","Ellis Cty KS Probate","Ellis County Kansas Probate","clerk of Probate","","","1" "S231","Power of Attorney, Jacob Isley and Hannah Drollinger","Power of Attorney, Jacob Isley and Hannah Drolling","","","","1" "S233","will of John Tickle","Will of John Tickle","","","","1" "S237","Tombstone Earlton Cemetery, Neosho, KS","Tombstone Earlton Cemetery, Neosho, KS","","","","2" "S239","Death index Fountain cty IN","Death index Fountain cty IN","","","","2" "S24","Records St Lukes Hannahstown PA","Records St Lukes Hannahstown PA","","","","3" "S246","1885 Kansas Census","1885 Kansas Census","","","","3" "S250","1900 Kansas Census","1900 Kansas Census","","","","1" "S251","Cemetery Stone Bourbon County KS","Cemetery Stone Bourbon County KS","","","","6" "S259","Fountain County Indiana Death Records Index","Fountain County Death Index","","","","6" "S265","1880 census","1880 census","US Census Bureau","","","2" "S27","baptisms, marriages, deaths Dietlingen, Baden","Churchbooks Dietlingen, Baden","","","","2" "S271","Fountain county Indiana supplemental marriage index","Fountain County Supplemental Marriage Index","","","","2" "S273","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain IN Fountain cty birth index","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain IN Fountain","","","","1" "S276","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain IN Delayed birth index Fountaincty IN","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain IN Delayed b","","","","1" "S277","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain IN Fountain cty marriage recordsindex","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain IN Fountain","","","","1" "S278","Fountain County Indiana birth records index","Fountain County birth records index","","","","7" "S28","Court Records Philadelphia, Gabriel Trullender","Court Records Philadelphia, Gabriel Trullender","","","","1" "S281","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain IN","Headstone Bonebrake Cemetery Fountain cty IN","","","","7" "S285","extracted marriage records NC","Extracted Marriage Records of NC","Tharp, W","","","1" "S288","marriage records LaPorte cty","marriage records LaPorte cty","","","","3" "S29","St Pauls, Upper Saucon Twp Lehigh Cty PA","St Pauls, Upper Saucon Twp Lehigh Cty PA","","","","1" "S293","First Families of America, a compendium of American Genealogy","First Families of America,","F. Virkus","","","5" "S295","Records index marriage Sedgwick County KS","Records index marriage Sedgwick cty KS","","","","2" "S296","NC marriage index","NC marriage index","","","","2" "S297","marriage record index Fountain cty bk 31 pg 136","marriage record index Fountain cty bk 31 pg 136","","","","1" "S298","marriage record index Fountain cty bk 31 pg 80","marriage record index Fountain cty bk 31 pg 80","","","","1" "S299","Marriage record index Fountain cty bk 31 pg 62","marriage record index Fountain cty bk 31 pg 62","","","","1" "S3","","Pennsylvania Militia during the Revolution","","","","5" "S30","Tombstone Haw River NC","Tombstone Haw River NC","","","","1" "S300","Vermillion IL marriage records","Vermillion County IL Marriage Records","","","","5" "S304","marriage record index Fountain IN","marriage record index Fountain cty IN","","","","1" "S306","Guilford County NC Marriage Index","Guilford Marriage Index","","","","1" "S309","Daniel Beinbrech Genealogy","Daniel Beinbrech Genealogy","Marie Rizek Bonebreak","","","13" "S31","Tomstone Haw River NC","Tomstone Haw River NC","","","","1" "S312","Fountain County Indiana Marriage Records Index","Fountain County Marriage Index","","","","29" "S315","Last Will and Testament","Will of Robert Skelly","","PRO Northern Ireland","","1" "S316","22 Feb 1982 letter from Sarah A. Skelly, 85 Dromore Road, Dromara,county Down","Sarah A. Skelly letter","","","","1" "S317","19 May 1981 letter James Skelly","James Skelly letter","James Skelly of Artana House","","","2" "S318","obituary notice","Elizabeth Skelly Obit","","","","2" "S319","4 June 1981 letter","William John Skelly letter","William John Skelly","","","2" "S320","Obituary notice","John Gordon Obit","Margaret Jane Gordon","","","1" "S321","History of Haw River Trollinger Memorial Church Cemetery Began withthe coming of Adam Trollinger in 1745","An Ancient Burying Ground","Dr. W.T. Whittsett","","","1" "S322","Extracts from an address delivered at the Trollinger re-union at HawRiver, NC 11 Aug 1926","Patriots and Pioneers","Dr, William Thorton Whitsett","","","2" "S323","The History of Alamance County NC, Trolinger Family Chapter XVI","The History of Alamance","Miss S.W. Stockard","Raleigh, Capital Printing Company, 1900","","2" "S324","Orange County NC marriages 1779-1868","Orange County NC Marriages 1779-1868","","","","2" "S325","Abstracts of Wills recorded in Orange County NC 1800 - 1850","Organge County NC Wills","Ruth Herndon Shields","","","1" "S326","Guilford County NC Marriage Bonds typed by the Genealogical Society ofUtah","Guilford County NC Marriage Bonds","","","","1" "S328","Hawfields Presbyterian Church and Community in NC","Church in the Old Fields","Herbert Snipes Turner, DD","","","1" "S329","Providence Christian Church Graham NC","NC Tombstone Records","Mrs J.S. Welborn","","","1" "S330","Salisbury District Superior Court Minutes","Rowan County NC Naturalizations","Jo White Linn C.G.","","","1" "S331","Land Grants Orange County NC","Orange County NC Land Grants","","","","1" "S332","Granville Proprietary Land Office, abstracts of loose papers","Orange County Records Volumn I","William D. Bennett","","","1" "S333","Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Sep 1752 through Aug 1766","Orange NC Court Abstracts","Ruth Herndon Shields","","","1" "S334","1785 - 1800 Rockingham County NC Deed Abstracts","Rockingham County NC Deed Abstracts","Irene B. Webster","","","1" "S335","List of Taxable Property in Orange County NC 1780 -81","Orange County NC Tax List 1780-81","Ransom McBride","","","1" "S336","A history of the New River","Early Adventures on Western Waters","Mary B. Kegley & F.B. Kegley 2 volumns","","","5" "S337","A Chronicle of Ten Generations in the Old Dominion","The Darsts of Virginia","H. Jackson Darst","Williamsburg VA 1972","","17" "S338","The Darst and Durst Families of America with Discussions of some FortyRelated Families","The Darst and Durst Families","Sanford Charles Gladden","1969","","2" "S339","History of Henry County MO","History of Henry County Missouri 1919","","1919","","2" "S34","Salem county NJ published church records,","Salem county NJ published church records,","","","","10" "S340","Family History Pages of Trolinger Family Bible","Trolinger Family Bible","submitted by Nancy Rice","Dallas Genealogical Society","","1" "S341","Orange County NC Deeds","Orange County NC Deeds","","","","2" "S342","Registered deeds Guilford county Courthouse","Guilford County NC Deeds","","","","1" "S343","Last Will and Testament of James Skelly of Artana","James Skelly of Artana Will","James Skelly of Artana","","","1" "S344","Church Registers County Down, Ireland","1st Dromara Prebyterian Registers","Pastor","","","1" "S345","Baptismal Register 1st Presbyterian Church","Baptismal Register Dromara","Minister","","","1" "S346","Church Registers Dromara, county Down, Ireland","Dromara Registers","","","","1" "S347","Skelly Boyce Genealogy","A Whin Bush Grows in Ulster","John T. and Anne Elizabeth Abbott","Whin Bush Associates","","1" "S348","Hannah Isely power of attorney","Power Attorney Hannah Isley","","","","1" "S350","Dye Cemetery #2 located west side of Dan's mountain, Dogwood Flats,Barton MD. Currently private property, has been abandoned, surrounded by strip mines.","Dye Cemetery #2","","","","2" "S351","Fountain County Indiana","Portrait and Biographical Record","","","","2" "S352","DAR Application","DAR Application Frederick Druliner Ancestor","Patricia Schadt Volk","","","2" "S353","Obituary Clara Frances Keegan","Obituary of Clara Frances Keegan","","South Bend Tribune Monday 6 August 1928","","1" "S354","History of St. Joseph County Indiana","History of St. Joseph County IN","Howard","","","6" "S355","John Booe Bible","John Booe Bible","","","","2" "S356","History of Washington County PA, volume 3","History of Washington County PA","Forrest","","","4" "S357","Blanche Stamey Family History Sheets","Blanche Stamey Genealogical Data","Blanche B. Stamey","","","16" "S358","Will of Henry Trollinger dated 20 July 1843","Henry Trollinger Will","Henry Trollinger","","","1" "S359","NC Tombstone Records","NC Tombstone Records","Mrs. J. S. Welborn","High Point 1935 vol 2","","20" "S360","Wisconsin Drollinger Family History Booklet","Jane Drollinger Peterson Booklet","Jane Drollinger Peterson","Jane Peterson 1991, 4566 N 84th St, Milwaukee, WI 53225","","197" "S361","Paul Replogle Database","Replogle Database","Paul Hudson Replogle","151 Minges Creek Place Apt B-4, Battle Creek, MI 49015-4211","","2" "S362","Marilyn Fischer Genealogical Data","Marilyn Fischer Data","Marilyn M. Fischer","321 S G St, Broken Bow, NE 68822-2541","","17" "S363","1919 Moorhead ND City Directory","City Directory Moorhead ND","","","","1" "S364","Family data for reunion","Cindy L. Perry Data","Cindy Lou McGinnis Perry","Route 1 Box 339A, Tomah WI","","15" "S365","Family History Brown of Venango County PA","Philip Brown Data","Philip Brown","4812 Hilltop Rd, DeForest WI 53532","","22" "S366","Court records Allegany County MD","Allegany County MD Court Records","Clerk of Courts","","","6" "S367","Gravestone Listings Greene County OH","Gravestones Greene County Ohio","","","","3" "S368","Volumn 2 WFT","World Family Tree","","","","6" "S369","History of Davis County Iowa","Davis County Iowa History","","","","1" "S37","Pension file National Archives","Pension file National Archives","","","","6" "S370","LDS IGI Index Indiana","IGI Index","","","","2" "S371","Will of John Trollinger 1869","Will of John Trollinger","John Trollinger","","","1" "S372","Printouts of collected data Geraldine Buss","Geri Buss Data","Geri Buss","","","124" "S373","Volume 3 World Family Tree","World Family Tree","Broderbund","","","16" "S374","Volume II Greene County Ohio History","History of Greene County Ohio","M.A. Broadstone","B.F. Bowen & Company, Indianapolis IN, 1918","","17" "S375","Bryon Cemetery, Greene County Ohio","Gravestone Greene County Ohio","","","","5" "S376","District of Crossgar, County Down, Birth and Death Registers","Birth & Death Registers Ireland","","","","7" "S377","Hibbs Cemetery, Wabash Township","Gravestone Fountain County, IN","","","","5" "S378","History of","History Jesse Silvers and Sylvia Ellen Trullinger","Ima Joyce McCoppin Smith","","","8" "S379","History of Buffalo Presbyterian Church and her People","Buffalo Presb NC","R.S. Rankin","published 1934","","1" "S380","Genealogical Charts","Neeley Data","LaRita Dunn Neeley","","","13" "S381","9 Aug 1831 Probate Inventory","Probate Record Jacob Trullinger","Clerk of Probate","","","1" "S383","Reprint of Fountain County History","History of Fountain County IN","","","","1" "S384","Descendants of Hannah Drollinger","Jennifer Kay Crane Data","Jennifer Coons","","","7" "S385","Book 2 Hershberger Kin","Hershberger Kin of Fountain County IN","","","","11" "S386","Pittsburgh City Directory","City Directory Pittsburgh","","","","1" "S387","Ancestors of Rob Potts","Potts Genealogy Data","Robert Christian Potts","Parsons Technology WEB Page","","41" "S388","Genealogical info collected into FTM","Jim Kelch Data","James Kelch","","","18" "S389","Genealogical Data collection","Margaret Bullock Data","Margaret Bullock, 804 College St. Woodland CA 95695","","","22" "S390","4 Nov 1903 Train Wreck Story","Michigan City Newspaper","Staff","","","1" "S391","E mail 15 Aug 1997","Rose Genealogy Data","Doris D. Rose","","","6" "S392","Tombstone Inscriptions","Carlisle's Old Graveyard","","1898","","6" "S393","Sigler Genealogical Data","Lois Sigler Lester Data","Lois Sigler Lester","","","7" "S394","Genealogical Data","Grant Drollinger Data","Grant Goodrich Drollinger","","","6" "S395","","Ingalls Data","Kay Germain Ingalls","","","20" "S396","Craig Ancestors","Roger Dale Craig Ancestors","Dellie Fox Craig","1997","","2" "S397","Jacobs Family of Allegany County MD","Jacobs Family Data","James Wilbur Jacobs","13343 Ballad Drive
Sun City West, AZ 85375-1704","","2" "S398","","Emigrants from Baden and Wuertemberg in the 18th C","Brigette Burkette","Picton Press","","5" "S399"," Maurice Eugene Rupel memoirs, undated, written for his children.Copy received June 2001from his niece Margaret Rupel Bullock, 814College Street, Woodland, California 95695. Maurice was Mary ElizabethDrollinger Rupel's youngest child, born 26 September 1925.","Maurice Rupel Memoirs","Maurice Eugene Rupel","","","1" "S4","PA Death Certificate","PA Death Certificate","","","","10" "S40","Family Bible pages in possession of Alan Truliinger late of CarringtonND","Family Bible pages","","","","1" "S44","David F. Stanger Bible","David F. Stanger Bible","","","","1" "S45","Hamilton Cemetery Headstones, St Joseph County IN","Hamilton Cemetery Headstones, St Joseph cty","","","","3" "S50","Obituary notice","Obituary notice Granville Schuyler Druliner","","","","9" "S58","Obituary notice John W. Druliner","Obituary notice John W. Druliner","","","","1" "S64","Price Funeral Home Records, Marysville MO","Price Funeral Home Records, Marysville MO","","","","2" "S67","Bedford cty Tombstones","Bedford County TN Tombstones","","","","12" "S9","Tombstone Uniondale Cem","Tombstone Uniondale Cem","","","","2" "S94","Goshenhoppen Reformed Church Records","Goshenhoppen Reformed Church Records","","","","3" "S97","Death Certificate Berks County","Death Certificate Berks County","","","","1" "S98","Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed","Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed","","","","22"