Report: All occuring third place levels, including frequency, ordered by place level

         Description: All occuring third place name levels, including frequency, ordered by place name level

Alle voorkomende derde niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen. Geordend bij plaatsnaam niveau.

Matches 501 to 550 of 676  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# Level_3 Number
501 RI  10 
502 Rice County Kansas 
503 Richmond VA 
504 Richmond Virginia 
505 Roanoke Virginia 
506 Rock Rapids 
507 Rockingham Co VA 
508 Rockingham County NC 
509 Romania 
510 Roseburg IOOF Cemetery 
511 Rueppr 
512 Russia 
513 Russland 
515 Sacramento California Temple 
516 Salem Cemetery 
517 Salem County NJ 
518 Salinas Monterey Co CA 
519 Salisbury NC 
520 Salt Lake LDS Temple 
521 Salt Lake Temple 
522 San Diego California Temple 
523 Sao Paulo Brazil Temple 
524 SC  102 
525 Scarborough 
526 Schwann 
527 Schweiz 
528 Scotland 
529 SD  69 
530 Seattle Washington Temple 
531 shared 
532 Sicily 
533 Simmozheim 
534 Snowflake Arizona LDS Temple 
535 Snowflake Arizona Temple 
536 South Africa 
537 South Carolina 
538 South Dakota 
539 South Korea 
540 South Pacific 
541 South Viet Nam 
542 South Vietnam 
543 Spain 
544 Spencer County IN 
545 Spokane Washington Temple 
546 Spotsvylvania Co 
547 Springfield 
548 St Johns Lutheran Madison Ave PGH PA 
549 St. George Utah Temple 
550 St. Louis Missouri Temple 

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