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Winnie Katherine Fritz, b. 1796 in KY, d. 1864 in AR
Father: 2. Valentine Fritz, b. February 1759 in Germany, d. 25 July1823 in Brown, OH
Mother: 2. Mary ??
Spouse: William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, d. 1866 inConway Co., AR
Father: Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
Mother: Margaret Glendenning
May have died in Van Buren Co., AR.
Married 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY.
1.Zera Olden Parnell, b. 4 August 1819 in Estill Co., KY, m. NancyBlackstone, 24 April 1842 in Buchanan Co., MO, m. Mary Ann Dye, 13February 1853 in Ozark Co., MO, d. 1 January 1887 in Almartha, OzarkCounty, MO
2.Margaret Parnell, b. 23 July 1822 in Decatur Co., IN, m. Caleb May,4 January 1838 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1884 in Lake Co., FL
3.Lucinda Parnell, b. ca. 1824 in IN, m. ? Wills, ca. 1840
4.Dudley Parnell, b. ca. 1826 in IN, m. Ann Rousey, 15 November 1846in Buchanan Co., MO, m. Mary Jane Roberts, ca. 1862, d. 7 August 1865in Van Buren Co., AR
5.Stephen Parnell (2), b. ca. 1827 in IN, m. Jane Ulsey, 1845 in IN
6.Valentine Parnell, b. ca. 1829 in IN, m. Elizabeth H. ?, d. 1859 inVan Buren Co., AR
7.Nancy Jane Parnell, b. 19 February 1836 in IN, m. Hugh Riley, 15 May1853 in Van Buren Co., AR, d. 20 September 1920 in Van Buren Co., AR
8.William M. Parnell, b. 1839 in IN, m. Louisa I. ?, ca. 1859
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, William M. (I18123)
Michael Fritz, b. 18 August 1727 in Plittersdorf, Baden, Baden,Germany, d. 29 May 1787 in Berkeley Co., VA
Father: 4. Valentin Fritz, b. in Germany, d. in Germany
Mother: 4. Magdalena
(Michael) He was on the ship "The Brotherhood" sailing from Rotterdamand Cowes and arrived in Philadelphia on November 3, 1750.
1.2. Valentine Fritz, b. February 1759 in Germany, m. Mary ??, 1780 inLancaster Co., PA, d. 25 July 1823 in Brown, OH
Spouse: 4. Magdalena
1.Elizabeth Davis Fritz
2.Katherine Lee Fritz
3.Mary Wilson Fritz

Fritz, Michael (I18113)
Michael Fritz, b. 18 August 1727 in Plittersdorf, Baden, Baden,Germany, d. 29 May 1787 in Berkeley Co., VA
Father: 4. Valentin Fritz, b. in Germany, d. in Germany
Mother: 4. Magdalena
He was on the ship "The Brotherhood" sailing from Rotterdam and Cowesand arrived in Philadelphia on November 3, 1750.
1.2. Valentine Fritz, b. February 1759 in Germany, m. Mary ??, 1780 inLancaster Co., PA, d. 25 July 1823 in Brown, OH
Spouse: 4. Magdalena
1.Elizabeth Davis Fritz
2.Katherine Lee Fritz
3.Mary Wilson Fritz
Fritz, Valentin (I18132)
Valentine Fritz, b. February 1759 in Germany, d. 25 July 1823 inBrown, OH
Father: 3. Michael Fritz, b. 18 August 1727 in Plittersdorf, Baden,Baden, Germany, d. 29 May 1787 in Berkeley Co., VA
He was a private for three years in Virginia Continental Army.
Spouse: 2. Mary ??
Married 1780 in Lancaster Co., PA.
1.Michael Fritz (2), b. 1780 in Lancaster Co., PA
2.Elizabeth Fritz, b. 1784 in Lancaster Co., PA
3.John Martin Fritz, b. 1790 in Lancaster Co., PA
4.1. Winnie Katherine Fritz, b. 1796 in KY, m. William Parnell, 17October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1864 in AR
5.Henry Fritz, b. 1797 in Lancaster Co., PA
6.Sarah Fritz, b. 1801 in Clark Co., KY
7.David Scott Fritz, b. 18 May 1804 in Clark Co., KY
8.John Valentine Fritz, b. 31 March 1807 in Clark Co., KY
9.Priscilla Fritz, b. 1809 in Estill Co., KY
Fritz, Valentine (I18111)
Valentine Fritz, b. February 1759 in Germany, d. 25 July 1823 inBrown, OH
Father: 3. Michael Fritz, b. 18 August 1727 in Plittersdorf, Baden,Baden, Germany, d. 29 May 1787 in Berkeley Co., VA
He was a private for three years in Virginia Continental Army.
Spouse: 2. Mary ??
Married 1780 in Lancaster Co., PA.
1.Michael Fritz (2), b. 1780 in Lancaster Co., PA
2.Elizabeth Fritz, b. 1784 in Lancaster Co., PA
3.John Martin Fritz, b. 1790 in Lancaster Co., PA
4.1. Winnie Katherine Fritz, b. 1796 in KY, m. William Parnell, 17October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1864 in AR
5.Henry Fritz, b. 1797 in Lancaster Co., PA
6.Sarah Fritz, b. 1801 in Clark Co., KY
7.David Scott Fritz, b. 18 May 1804 in Clark Co., KY
8.John Valentine Fritz, b. 31 March 1807 in Clark Co., KY
9.Priscilla Fritz, b. 1809 in Estill Co., KY
Fritz, John Martin (I18126)
Winnie Katherine Fritz, b. 1796 in KY, d. 1864 in AR
Father: 2. Valentine Fritz, b. February 1759 in Germany, d. 25 July1823 in Brown, OH
Mother: 2. Mary ??
Spouse: William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, d. 1866 inConway Co., AR
Father: Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
Mother: Margaret Glendenning
(Winnie) May have died in Van Buren Co., AR.
Married 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY.
1.Zera Olden Parnell, b. 4 August 1819 in Estill Co., KY, m. NancyBlackstone, 24 April 1842 in Buchanan Co., MO, m. Mary Ann Dye, 13February 1853 in Ozark Co., MO, d. 1 January 1887 in Almartha, OzarkCounty, MO
2.Margaret Parnell, b. 23 July 1822 in Decatur Co., IN, m. Caleb May,4 January 1838 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1884 in Lake Co., FL
3.Lucinda Parnell, b. ca. 1824 in IN, m. ? Wills, ca. 1840
4.Dudley Parnell, b. ca. 1826 in IN, m. Ann Rousey, 15 November 1846in Buchanan Co., MO, m. Mary Jane Roberts, ca. 1862, d. 7 August 1865in Van Buren Co., AR
5.Stephen Parnell (2), b. ca. 1827 in IN, m. Jane Ulsey, 1845 in IN
6.Valentine Parnell, b. ca. 1829 in IN, m. Elizabeth H. ?, d. 1859 inVan Buren Co., AR
7.Nancy Jane Parnell, b. 19 February 1836 in IN, m. Hugh Riley, 15 May1853 in Van Buren Co., AR, d. 20 September 1920 in Van Buren Co., AR
8.William M. Parnell, b. 1839 in IN, m. Louisa I. ?, ca. 1859
Family Trees
My Mom's Family Tree
Family Group Sheet Owner: mrlandsaw
Catherine Fritts
Birth 1790 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States
Death 1850 in Arkansas, United States
Fritz\Fritts, Catherine "Winnie" (I18110)
Winnie Katherine Fritz, b. 1796 in KY, d. 1864 in AR
Father: 2. Valentine Fritz, b. February 1759 in Germany, d. 25 July1823 in Brown, OH
Mother: 2. Mary ??
Spouse: William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, d. 1866 inConway Co., AR
Father: Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
Mother: Margaret Glendenning
May have died in Van Buren Co., AR.
Married 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY.
1.Zera Olden Parnell, b. 4 August 1819 in Estill Co., KY, m. NancyBlackstone, 24 April 1842 in Buchanan Co., MO, m. Mary Ann Dye, 13February 1853 in Ozark Co., MO, d. 1 January 1887 in Almartha, OzarkCounty, MO
2.Margaret Parnell, b. 23 July 1822 in Decatur Co., IN, m. Caleb May,4 January 1838 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1884 in Lake Co., FL
3.Lucinda Parnell, b. ca. 1824 in IN, m. ? Wills, ca. 1840
4.Dudley Parnell, b. ca. 1826 in IN, m. Ann Rousey, 15 November 1846in Buchanan Co., MO, m. Mary Jane Roberts, ca. 1862, d. 7 August 1865in Van Buren Co., AR
5.Stephen Parnell (2), b. ca. 1827 in IN, m. Jane Ulsey, 1845 in IN
6.Valentine Parnell, b. ca. 1829 in IN, m. Elizabeth H. ?, d. 1859 inVan Buren Co., AR
7.Nancy Jane Parnell, b. 19 February 1836 in IN, m. Hugh Riley, 15 May1853 in Van Buren Co., AR, d. 20 September 1920 in Van Buren Co., AR
8.William M. Parnell, b. 1839 in IN, m. Louisa I. ?, ca. 1859
Parnell, Valentine (I18121)
Julia Emily Parnell, b. 6 October 1859 in Ozark Co., MO, d. 14 July1927 in Holde, Ozark Co., MO
Father: 2. Zera Olden Parnell, b. 4 August 1819 in Estill Co., KY, d.1 January 1887 in Almartha, Ozark County, MO
Mother: 2. Mary Ann Dye, b. 5 April 1831 in Rutherford Co., NC, d. 2February 1913 in Ozark Co., MOSpouse: John William Piland (3), b. 20December 1861 in Ozark Co., MO, d. 18 December 1910 in Almartha, MO
Father: Elisha E. Piland, b. 1842 in Henderson Co., KY, d. April 1863in Ozark Co., MO
Mother: Sarah Dye, b. 30 July 1842 in TN, d. 1919 in Monett, MO
They first lived at Summit City then later moved to the farm atAlmartha where they lived until their deaths. John owned medical booksand often helped sick neighbors. He was, as his father before him, anaccomplished horseman. He owned a grandson of the great Dan Patch thathad set a number of world records, some still standing from 1900 to1910. John's horse was five-gaited. The horse lived to be 29 years oldand died in 1930. Julia rode him until her death in 1927.
John had the mail route from Almartha to Romance to Willhoit toGainesville three times a week, all by horseback. He was a shareholderand a director of the Bank of Hammond. He was a charter member of andhelped to organize the Oak Grove General Baptist Church at Wasola. Hewas a respected community leader and was strict about his children'sattending school.
1.William Houston Piland, b. 28 November 1881 in Almartha, MO, m. MaryAnn Harley in Almartha, MO, d. 1966
2.Asa Frank Piland, b. 12 July 1883 in Almartha, MO, m. Maggie ? inAlmartha, MO, m. Florence Leathers in Almartha, MO, d. 23 December1960
3.Cora Piland, b. 20 January 1885 in Almartha, MO, m. Jessie Murphy inAlmartha, MO, d. September 1959
4.Alma Piland, b. 19 October 1886 in Almartha, MO, d. 6 January 1888
5.Sarah Alma Piland, b. 6 December 1888 in Almartha, MO, m. GeorgeGranville Redmon, 6 January 1907, d. 1 August 1978 in Maryville, MO
6.Myrtle (Maggie) D. Piland, b. 12 May 1892 in Almartha, MO, m. JohnHall in Almartha, MO, d. 4 February 1977
7.Susan (Dicie) Ethel Piland, b. 30 May 1895 in Almartha, MO, m. ScottPowers in Almartha, MO, d. 1964
8.Clarence Elisha Piland, b. 29 May 1901 in Almartha, MO, m. Bessie ?in Almartha, MO, m. Lora Kimball in Almartha, MO, d. 20 September 1978
Married 17 November 1880 in Almartha, MO.
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011)

"Mary Ann Dye b. April 5, 1831 d. Feb 2, 1913 Almartha, Douglas Co, MO
She married Zera Olden Parnell on February 13, 1853 at Douglas Co, MO
Children: Winifred Catherine, Nancy Priscilla, Mary Jane, Julia Emily,Thomas B, David C,
Sarah E, Martha Ann, Esther, Asa Olden, Susan Ellen, Jacob Zear OldenParnell."
Ref pdf file titled, "GilbertDye&PriscillaHarrill(story).pdf"(electronic copy enclosed in my "Gilbert Dye".
(David H. Drollinger 15 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Julia Emily "Julie" (I18083)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Joshua (I18139)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, James (I18140)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, James (I18140)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Thomas (I18141)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Isaac (I18143)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Isaac (I18143)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Andrew (I18144)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Andrew (I18144)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Martha "Patsy" (I18146)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
(Internet extraction provided by David H. Drollinger 20 Sep 2011) 
Parnell, Martha "Patsy" (I18146)
Stephen Parnell (1), b. ca. 1762 in MD, d. ca. 1834
The Parnell name originated in France and arrived in England around1066 with William the Conquerer.
While a resident of Anne Arundel County, MD, Stephen enlisted as aprivate the third of April, 1778, Ellicott's Mills, Fourth MarylandRegiment, Captain Norwood's Company. He deserted while on furlough thefifth of May, 1780. He filed for a pension thirtheenth of November,1832 in Decatur County, IN. He was rejected the 4th of February, 1833.
According to tax records, Stephen lived in Madison Co. , KY, untilaround 1816 when he moved to Dearborn Co., IN, where he remained untilabout 1824. He moved from there to Decatur Co., IN. No further recordswere found on him. Several children, Andrew, Isaac, James, William,and possibly others, followed him on his moves. They all left DecaturCo. before 1840.
Spouse: 4. Margaret Glendenning
Married ca. 1781.
1.Mary "Polly" Parnell, b. ca. 1782 in Madison Co., KY, m. ThomasSingleton, 27 February 1803 in Madison Co., KY
2.Joshua Parnell, b. ca. 1785 in KY, m. Mary Cane
3.James Parnell, b. 23 August 1787 in KY, m. Mary "Polly" Hooten, 6April 1809 in Madison Co., KY, d. 10 October 1854 in St. Joseph Co.,IN
4.Thomas Parnell (2), b. ca. 1788 in KY
5.Sally Parnell, b. ca. 1790 in Madison Co., KY, m. William Bingham, 6August 1809 in Madison Co., KY
6.3. William Parnell, b. ca. 1794 in Madison Co., KY, m. WinnieKatherine Fritz, 17 October 1818 in Estill Co., KY, d. 1866 in ConwayCo., AR
7.Isaac Parnell, b. ca. 1797 in Madison Co., KY, m. Kezziah Wilson, 7October 1824 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 15 September 1862 in Atchison Co.,KS
8.Andrew Parnell, b. 1 March 1800 in Madison Co., KY, m. MariahWilson, 22 September 1825 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 1 December 1874 inJefferson Co., KS
9.Margaret "Peggy" Parnell, b. ca. 1802 in Madison Co., KY, m. WilliamHenderson(2), 24 May 1824 in Decatur Co., IN
10.Martha "Patsy" Parnell, b. ca. 1809 in Madison Co., KY, m. UriahGarton, 14 December 1826 in Decatur Co., IN, d. 2 August 1881 inBuchanan Co., MO
Valentin Fritz, b. in Germany, d. in Germany
Father: 5. Michael Fritz (1)
Spouse: 4. Magdalena
1.3. Michael Fritz, b. 18 August 1727 in Plittersdorf, Baden, Baden,Germany, d. 29 May 1787 in Berkeley Co., VA
Parnell, William (I18109)
57720 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Drollinger, Steven Robert "Steve" (I4085)
57721 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Trolinger, Jerry D. (I23239)
57722 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Drollinger, Rebecca Lee (I695)
Genealogical & Historical Records of Preble County, Ohio
Name: Barbara "Drolenger"
Year: 1926
Record Type: Marriage
Record ID: marap145
Date: 28 May 1826
Whom Married: Barbara "Drolenger" and Elijah Harcrider
By Whom: James Deniston - Justice of the Peace
Family: Elijah Harkrider / Maria Barbara Drollinger (F916)
Genealogical & Historical Records of Preble County, Ohio
Name: Polly "Drolinger"
Year: 1926
Record Type: Marriage
Record ID: marap145
Date: 11 May 1826
Whom Married: Polly "Drolinger" and Washington Clark
By Whom: James Deniston - Justice of the Peace
Family: George Washington Clark / Mary Magdalene "Polly" Drollinger (F4009)
Dan L Drullinger
Edmonds, WA
91 years old
Previous Locations: Edmonds, WA
Relatives: Elizabeth Drullinger | Mark A Drullinger | Tina R Drullinger

Name Dan Leroy Drullinger
Birth Date
22 November 1919
Birthplace Tulsa, Oklahoma
Residence Place Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Occupation Unemployed
Complexion Light
Race White
Height 5 10
Weight 160
Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Red
Relative's Name C S Drullinger
Event Type Draft Registration
Event Date
1 July 1941
Event Place Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Affiliate Publication Number 2169774
Affiliate Publication Title World War II Draft Cards for the State of Oklahoma

U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records
Name: Dan L Drullinger
Birth Year: 1919
Race: White, Citizen (White)
Nativity State or Country: Oklahoma
State of Residence: Oklahoma
County or City: Tulsa
Enlistment Date: 8 Jul 1941
Enlistment State: Oklahoma
Enlistment City: Oklahoma City
Branch: Air Corps
Branch Code: Air Corps
Grade: Private
Grade Code: Private
Component: Regular Army (including Officers, Nurses, Warrant Officers, and Enlisted Men)
Source: Civil Life
Education: 4 years of high school
Civil Occupation: Semiskilled occupations in laundering, cleaning, dyeing, and pressing apparel and other articles
Marital Status: Single, without dependents
Height: 69
Weight: 155

1950 Census
Name Elizabeth A Drullinger
Sex Female
Age 25 years
Birth Year (Estimated) 1925
Birthplace North Dakota
Marital Status Married
Occupation Secretary
Industry Title Insurance
Race W
Relationship to Head of Household Wife
Father's Birthplace Austria
Mother's Birthplace Hungary
Event Date 3 April 1950
Event Place Seattle, King, Washington, United States
Enumeration District 40-341
Line Number 2
Page Number 72
Elizabeth A Drullinger's Spouses and Children
Dan L Drullinger
30 years
Name Dan L Drullinger
Sex Male
Age 30 years
Birth Year (Estimated) 1920
Birthplace Oklahoma
Marital Status Married
Occupation Salesman
Industry Floor Covering
Race W
Relationship to Head of Household Head
Event Date 3 April 1950
Event Place Seattle, King, Washington, United States
Enumeration District 40-341
Line Number 1
Page Number 72 
Drullinger, Dan Leroy (I17754)
Person: Debbie E Drollinger (Age 53)
Associated Names:
Debbie E Carter
Debra E Benedict
Known Addresses:
Marion, IN
Fairmount, IN
David Benedict (Age 57)
Debbie E Benedict
Bradley J Carter (Age 32)
Ginger L Carter
Marilyn S Carter
Stephen D Carter (Age 57)
Troy J Carter
Brian Michael Drollinger (Age 54)
Christina L Drollinger (Age 33)
Terry S Drollinger (Age 42)
Nijaul L Prollinger (Age 35)
Carter, Unknown (I17165)
Person: Debbie E Drollinger (Age 53)
Associated Names:
Debbie E Carter
Debra E Benedict
Known Addresses:
Marion, IN
Fairmount, IN
David Benedict (Age 57)
Debbie E Benedict
Bradley J Carter (Age 32)
Ginger L Carter
Marilyn S Carter
Stephen D Carter (Age 57)
Troy J Carter
Brian Michael Drollinger (Age 54)
Christina L Drollinger (Age 33)
Terry S Drollinger (Age 42)
Nijaul L Prollinger (Age 35)
Benedict, David A. (I17192)
57728 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Trullinger, Theodore Charles "Ted" III (I18982)
57729 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Drullinger, Todd Matthew (I17775)
57730 for "Bernard Drollinger; OH"
Name Age
Previous Cities
Cincinnati, OH
Thelma Drollinger
Michele A Drollinger
Robert W Drollinger

Originally published on 5/4/2008
Branstetter, Mary
BRANSTETTER Mary E. "Lisa" (nee Fleckiger). Devoted mother of Todd W. Branstetter (Debbie), Toni M. McCord (Russell) & Tracy R. Martin (Greg). Loving grandmother of Jessica & Joshua Branstetter; Allen, Aaron & Andrew McCord; Megan, Chase & Casey Martin. Beloved daughter of Jake & the late Gladys (nee Allen) Fleckiger. Dear sister of Carla McMichael, Wanda Robertson, Margie Schwendenmann, Joyce Westrich, Barbara Oldfield, Opal Manning & the late Thelma Drollinger. Preceded in death by her former husband Roy W. Branstetter. Also survived by brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law & many nieces & nephews. May 2, 2008. Age 62. Visitation Tues., May 6, 6-9 PM at the Dennis George Funeral Home, 44 S. Miami, Cleves, where the service will be held Wed., May 7at 11 AM. Memorials, if so desired, may be directed to Hospice of Cinti., P.O. Box 633597, Cinti., OH 45263-3597.
Funeral Home: Dennis George Funeral Home
Funeral Date: May 7, 11 a.m.

Last Updated: 3:38 pm | Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Obituaries - Western Hills Press
Updated May 9
Mary "Lisa" Fleckiger Branstetter, 62, Sayler Park, a native of Addyston, died May 2 at the Hospice of Cincinnati, Mercy Hospital-Western Hills.
Survived by children Todd Branstetter, Toni McCord, Tracy Martin; grandchildren Jessica, Joshua Branstetter, Allen, Aaron, Andrew McCord, Megan, Chase, Casey Martin; father Jake Fleckiger; sisters Carla McMichael, Wanda Robertson, Margie Schwendenmann, Joyce Westrich, Barbara Oldfield, Opal Manning ; many nieces and nephews.Preceded in death by mother Gladys Fleckiger, sister Thelma Drollinger, former husband Roy Branstetter.
Services are 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 7, at Dennis George Funeral Home. Memorials to: Hospice of Cincinnati, P.O. Box 633597, Cincinnati, OH45263-3597.

Fleckiger, Thelma Fay (I15627)
Published April 23, 2008
KAREN AYON Karen Drollinger Ayon, 67, of Las Vegas, passed away April 18, 2008. Born Sept. 8, 1940, in Murray, Utah, Karen was raised in Ely and Elko. She attended BYU in 1959. In 1960, Karen moved to Reno, where she met and married Oscar L. Ayon. Karen made her career in the growing casino business in Reno and Lake Tahoe. After the birth of her children, Krissy and Jason, Karen devoted her life to being a wife and mother. Karen, Oscar and their family made Las Vegas their permanent home in 1967. Karen is survived by her husband, Oscar; and daughter, Krissy, both of Las Vegas; her son, Jason of Portland, Ore.; sister, Kaye Morse Trouten of Elko; and her brother, Ward Drollinger of Riggins, Idaho. Karen also has 20 nieces and nephews. Visitation will be from 4:30-5:30 p.m., with services starting at 6 p.m., Thursday, April 24, both at the LDS Christy Chapel, 1001 Christy Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89110. Karen will be laid to rest in Ely.

From: Curtis Drollinger
To: Lenova Begay
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2008 08:27:35 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: My sister, Karen
Dear Lenova;
I suppose I have been in denial the last couple of days. My baby sister, Karen has died late Friday evening. She has had a terrible bout with her alergies. She couldn't breathe well and asked her Husband Oscar to take her outside so she might breathe easier. He did and Karen said she felt better, but she was very thirsty. He brought her some water and she could not swallow it. She gurgled out for him to dial 911. She went into shock. The EMT's worked on her for 45 minutes and finely pronounced her dead. Poor always calm Oscar could not control his rush of emotions. Robert Lyle came down and spent some time with him.
It is so sad when we lose a close relative. This whole family is in shock. All of us who knew Karen and Oscar have always leaned on their love and strength to help guide us through our hardships and even our not so hard ships. They are truly one as God has described a marriage of a man and a woman. Both Karen and Oscar have met those requirements for the fulfillment of a Blessed Marriage by God. They both have diligently worked alone and together, in their kind and wonderful way, to glorify their marrage commitments. They have treated all of us love with unsurpassed generosity to all their family members and friends in such a loving and wonderful way. We all asked Karen and Oscar for as little as advice to as much as they might be able to spare. They became the Rock for all family members and their friends to count on for love and kiindness. What a magnificant Blessing to know either or both of them, and have them as my "little sister and little brother." They are both giants and I love them so very much. I cannot love them as much as I have felt loved. I am a weak character. I will tell you, I love both of them as much as I am capable of loving. I ask our Most Loving and Wonderful God Who is LOVE, to consider her and her husband kindly and generously for The Kingdom. Please forgive all of our transgressions, Dear Lord. I ask this in Your Most Holy Name, Jesus Christ. Amen.

E. Karen Drollinger Ayon
For two of us she was mother
Some of us called her "Mom"
For one of us she was something other
Wife, lover, companion even perhaps "the bomb!"

As a sister and cousin, she was excitement
Fun to have around
Full of silly antics
Playful as a clown

To so many of us she was Aunt Karen
The center of attention she made us feel
It seems from everything we did or said
Her interest and excitement could not hide her zeal

"Oh that sounds exciting!"
She would often say
As she seemed to vicariously live her life
Through each of us day by day

She saw the good in all of us
So optimistic from the git
Even to the point of being nerving
She'd declare "OJ they must acquit!"

With passion she would live her life
Always trying to have a ball
Interacting with anyone who would
Come to visit or give her a simple call

If for various reasons
She could not move about
She'd watch her little TV
For the chance to debate or even shout

As to the E within her name
It might come as a surpriser
Erma. Ethel or Ester
I always thought it was "Energizer"

For growing up around her
One would realize
Her energy often belied her
Regardless of her size

From all the bumps and bruises
Even broken bones
She would sympathize with you
With her caring tones

She seemed to adopt every little kid
From 230 Pancho Villa to her vision limit
Their house was always buzzing
With every little kid and their kismet

Of joining Aunt Karen's ranks
Of her little fans
As the lady just down the street
Who puts goodies in their hands

And now her time has come
And this her legacy
That every heart that she touched
Will miss her "Normalcy"
(Poem per Robert Drollinger) 
Drollinger, Erma Karen (I10729)

Obituaries: Ronald Ward Gowen

Feb 11 2005

Former San Juan Island resident Ronald Ward Gowen passed away Monday, Feb. 7, 2005 in Evanston, Wyo. He was 52.

Ron was born May 11, 1953 in Palo Alto, Calif., to Forrest Edward and Velda May Drollinger Gowen.

Ron was a self-employed contractor. Known all his days as a man of strength and hard work, he would leave for the job before sunup and not quit till after sundown.

His labors were often free when he felt someone needed help. He was a big man with a big heart, willing to share his time and talents with others. His Bible and Book of Mormon were well used because they were well read. He was a man of honesty. We?ll all miss you, Ron.

Ron is survived by his brother, Bruce Gowen, of Salt Lake City, Utah; and sisters, Carol Kennedy of Robertson, Wyo., and Beverly Doney of Vermont.

Graveside service was held at 10 a.m. on Feb. 9, 2005 at the Fort Bridger Cemetery.

? The Ronald Ward Gowen family

Ronald W. Gowen
in the U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Name: Ronald W. Gowen
Social Security Number: 570-90-4117
Birth Date: 11 May 1953
Issue Year: 1968
Issue State: California
Last Residence: 82944, Robertson, Uinta, Wyoming
Death Date: 7 Feb 2005

Ronald Ward Gowen
in the U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007
Name: Ronald Ward Gowen
[Ronald W Gowen]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 11 May 1953
Birth Place: Palo Alto Sa, California
Death Date: 7 Feb 2005
SSN: 570904117
Notes: : Name listed as RONALD WARD GOWEN; 18 Feb 2005: Name listed as RONALD W GOWEN

Ronald W. Gowen
in the U.S., Obituary Collection, 1930-Current
Name: Ronald W. Gowen
Gender: Male
Death Age: 51
Birth Date: 11 May 1953
Residence Place: Robertson, Wyoming
Death Date: 7 Feb 2005 
Gowen, Ronald Ward "Ron" (I13113)
57733 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Drollinger, Thomas Robert (I3867)
Missouri State Archives
Missouri Death Certificates, 1910  
Robey, Lucy Catherine "Cora" (I1382)
Missouri State Archives
Missouri Death Certificates, 1910 - 1960
Name: James F. Trullinger
Date of Death: September 17, 1933
County: Buchanan
Certificate Number: 28820 
Trullinger, James Franklin (I1375)
Missouri State Archives
Missouri Death Certificates, 1910 - 1960
Name: Thos. M. Trullinger
Date of Death: February 23, 1922
County: Nodaway
Certificate Number: 5713

Trullinger, Thomas Marion (I1376)
Missouri State Board Of Health
Certificate of Death
File No.: 27111
Clara Luella Drollinger
Date of Birth: 15 Dec 1856
Birthplace: Ellensbourugh [Ellenboro], Wisconsin
Date of Death: 24 Feb 1945
Age: 89 Years 2 Months 9 Days
Place of Death: Rural Lincoln Twp 2, Clark, Missouri
Cause of Death: Senility due to old age
Informant/address: Mrs. Howell
Father: Samuel Daughtery
Mother: Febie Counterman
Husband: George Monroe Drollinger
Marital status: Widow
Residence: Rural Lincoln Twp 2, Clark, Missouri
Burial: Ashton Cemetery; 27 Feb 1945
Daugherty, Clara Luella (I1573)
Mildred Trullinger
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Spencer Daily Reporter
No services are planned at this time for Mildred Trullinger, 90, of Spencer, who passed away Thursday, Feb. 16, 2012, at Spencer Hospital.
Burial will take place at a later date.
Warner Funeral Home of Spencer is in charge of arrangements.

Damerow, Mildred M. (I18513)
57739 for "E. Souter" produced the followingresult:
Eve Souter
5909 SW Carroll St
Seattle, WA 98116-4608
(206) 935-3260 for "Souter/Washington" produced thefollowing results for Eve (Note! there were several other nameslisted as well, no doubt family members):
2731 337TH ST
SEATTLE, WA (206) 935-3260
EVE P SOUTER Born Jun 1921
SPOKANE, WA (509) 363-1812

From: Venita Roylance Mailed-By:
To: Dave Drollinger
Date: Dec 3, 2005 6:38 AM
Subject: Re: David William Parry married to Joydora "Icy"(?)Drollinger
> Question three: Do you know what the FULL birth names of David and
> Joydora's other children are? I have: Allan Elmer Parry; Margaret
> Parry; Eva Parry and Floyd Parry.
The children are:
Allan Elmer Parry, born 21 Aug 1915, died 22 nov 2004.
Roswell Parry, born 11 Jan 1917, died 10 Feb 1942.
Margaret Parry, born 6 Feb 1919, died 27 Aug 1935
Eva Parry, born 13 Jun 1921, living in Seattle at the time of Allan's
death last year. Her married name is Soutas, but I don't know her
husband's first name. I got this information from Allan's obituary.
Floyd Parry, 23 Apr 1923, died Mar 2003
(The preceding is an excerpt from an email response to me from Venita(Parry) Roylance, niece of David William Parry.)
(David H. Drollinger 6 Dec 2005) 
Parry, Eva "Eve" (I8760)
57740 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Trullinger, Tyrone Devin "Ty" (I20039)
57741 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Ozan, Adrienne Bennett (I13880)
57742 Wyalusing Rocket May 24, 2007
L. Stanley Hoff, Jr., 62, of Duluth, GA, died unexpectedly Saturday, May 12, 2007 at home. He was the son of the former L. Stanley and Ruth Hoff, of Lime Hill, who preceded him in death. Stanley graduated from Wyalusing Valley High School, Class of 1962. He then served in the U.S. Army for four years.
He was employed by the Peachtree Center in Atlanta, GA, until two years ago, when his health prevented him from working.
Stanley is survived by his wife, Sandra Cummings Hoff, formerly of Turners Falls, MA, now of Duluth, GA; sons Lloyd Hoff, III, Joseph W. Hoff, both of MI and Charles H.C. Hoff of Hopkinsville, KY; sisters, Sandra H. McGavin of Mehoopany and Mrs. Barbara Dudley of North Fort Myers, FL; two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Friday, May 18 at Georgia Memorial Park Funeral Home, Marietta, GA, followed by the Interment at White Chapel Memorial Gardens, Duluth, GA.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions were made to Multiple Sclerosis Foundation National Headquarters, Donations, 6350 North Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-2130. 
Hoff, Lloyd Stanley Jr. (I45290)
57743 WYGAL, John. Will proved December 5, 1844. Names wife, Catherine andchildren, Birdine (a son), James, Sebastain, Jefferson, Abraham,Jackson, Ann, Sarah, Keziah and Mary E.

Wygal, John (I12453)
57744 Wyman Swanson in the U.S., Presbyterian Church Records, 1701-1970
Name: Wyman Swanson
Gender: Male
Event Type: Marriage
Marriage Date: 24 Apr 1937
Marriage Place: Chicago, Illinois, USA
Church: Marlboro Presbyterian Church
Spouse: Loleta Hinkle 
Family: Wyman Willard Swanson, Sr. / Lolita Lillian Hinkle (F11260)
57745 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Kenneth D. "Ken" Anderson / Virginia Sue Trullinger (F6448)
57746 Wyoming, U.S., Death Records
Name Myrtle Trollinger
[Myrtle Grissom]
Gender Female
Race Caucasian (White)
Marital Status Widowed
Death Age 67
Birth Date 14 Oct 1894
Birth Place Waco, Texas, USA
Death Date 18 May 1962
Death Place Casper, Natrona
Death Registration Place Wyoming, USA
Occupation Housewife
Father Turner Grissom
Mother Elizabeth Smith
Spouse Wm. Martin Trollinger
Certificate Number 1039 
Grissom, Myrtle (I21165)
57747 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Robert Ray "Bob" Trollinger / Lenamae Barbara Bakken (F560)
57748 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: SFC Berry Hale Tolbertson / Geraldine Virginia "Gerri" Burkeen (F18352)
57749 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family: Ronald Ray Robb / Susan Lee "Susie" Drollinger (F4223)
57750 Wysor Family, The Early Wysor Family; with variant spellings Weiser and Wiser, and associated families of Trinkle, Anderson, Cecil, Sufflebarger, and Peck
Author: Steinke, Mark Edward Publication: Mark Edward Steinke, 4231 Leonard Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45217 published 1998

Wytheville, Va., June 29 - Mr. Jacob Trinkle, one of the oldest citizens of Pulaski County, passed away at Dublin this morning at eight-thirty o 'clock at the age of 89 after a brief illness of one week. By his death Pulaski County has lost one of their best citizens, if not the oldest . Mr. Trinkle's father, Mr. Stephen Trinkle, was one of the pioneer settlers of this county, having owned extensive lands throughout Pulaski County and the land on which Dublin now stands.

Mr. Jacob Trinkle was one of a family of ten, four boys and six girls, of which he was the last surviving son and three sisters survive him - Mrs. Jacob Anderson, Dublin, Va., Mrs. Robert Stephens, Christiansburg, Va., and Mrs. J. H. Hage [Hoge], Bland, Va., - besides two sons and two daughters - Mr. J. S. Trinkle, Dublin, Va., Mr. W. C. Trinkle, Bland, Va ., and Mrs. S. C. Foot [sic] and Mrs. R. P. Johnson, Wytheville, Va. He was raised on the farm near Dublin, but the last thirty years of his life has been spent on his farms in Bland County. The funeral service wi ll be held in Dublin Wednesday and the interment will take place at the old Trinkle burial grounds near here on the farm where he spent his early life as a boy.

"...Jacob and Eliza [Jane Kirkner] were married in Pulaski County on April 29, 1845 by William P. Bishop. [Jacob was a farmer, but] during the Civil War ... helped mine salt-peter [sic] in the cave on Trinkle land for use in making gun powder. After Eliza's death in 1873, Jacob in 1877 purchased the Morgan farm in Bland County on April 9, 1877. He married Lou Noble and moved to the farm in Bland County. In 1906 due to poor health he sold the Bland farm and moved back to Dublin. He died there on June 29, 1909. Jacob and Eliza are burried [sic] in the Dublin cemetary." (Source: THE TRINKLE FAMILY, ms. by Lacy Lyons Trinkle, Dublin, Virginia, March 1971)

Jacob Trinkle in the U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Name: Jacob Trinkle
Birth Date: abt 1822
Age: 41
Enlistment Date: 1863
Military Unit: Seventh (First Nitre) Battalion, Infantry, Local Defense; Seventh Battalion, Reserves (Fifth Battalion, Valley Reserves)

Jacob Trinkle in the 1880 United States Federal Census
Name: Jacob Trinkle
Age: 57
Birth Year: abt 1823
Birthplace: Virginia
Home in 1880: Mechanicsburg, Bland, Virginia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Self (Head)
Marital Status: Married
Spouse's Name: Lucy Trinkle
Father's Birthplace: Virginia
Mother's Birthplace: Virginia
Occupation: Farmer
Household Members:
Name Age
Jacob Trinkle 57
Lucy Trinkle 42
Jacob Trinkle 22 
Trinkle, Jacob Stephen (I1067)

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