Matches 57,801 to 57,806 of 57,806
# | Notes | Linked to |
57801 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: Landon Tyler Trullinger / Syndey Rubio (F17622)
57802 | Zulah spelling per her father's obituary. Zulah's middle name is probably Oliva after her mother. 1900 United States Federal Census Name: Zula Shacklett Age: 22 Birth Date: Mar 1878 Birthplace: Missouri, USA Home in 1900: Jefferson, Scotland, Missouri Sheet Number: 1 Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 9 Family Number: 9 Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Wife Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Joe A Shacklett Marriage Year: 1895 Years Married: 5 Father's Birthplace: Iowa, USA Mother's Birthplace: Iowa, USA Mother: number of living children: 1 Mother: How many children: 1 Can Read: Yes Can Write: Yes Can Speak English: Yes Neighbors: View others on page Household Members Age Relationship Joe A Shacklett 28 Head Zula Shacklett 22 Wife Lelia Shacklett 4 Daughter 1910 United States Federal Census Name: Zula Shacklett [Ida D Shacklett] [Zula D Shacklett] Age in 1910: 33 [35] Birth Date: 1877 [1877] Birthplace: Iowa Home in 1910: Kalispell, Flathead, Montana, USA Race: White Gender: Female Relation to Head of House: Wife Marital Status: Married Spouse's Name: Joseph Shacklett Father's Birthplace: Iowa Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin Native Tongue: English Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Years Married: 15 Number of Children Born: 1 Number of Children Living: 1 Neighbors: View others on page Household Members Age Relationship Joseph Shacklett 38 Head Zula Shacklett 33 Wife Lulia G Shacklett 14 Daughter U.S. City Directories Name: Mrs Zula O Shacklett Gender: Female Residence Year: 1922 Street address: 8310 Fauntleroy av Residence Place: Seattle, Washington, USA Publication Title: Seattle, Washington, City Directory, 1922 1940 United States Federal Census Name: Zulah McDonald Respondent: Yes Age: 63 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1877 Gender: Female Race: White Birthplace: Iowa Marital Status: Widowed Relation to Head of House: Head Home in 1940: Yakima, Yakima, Washington View Map Street: So Fourth Street Farm: No Inferred Residence in 1935: Flathead, Montana Residence in 1935: Flathead, Montana Resident on farm in 1935: No Sheet Number: 2A Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 45 Occupation: Housekeeper House Owned or Rented: Rented Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 10 Attended School or College: No Highest Grade Completed: High School, 1st year Duration of Unemployment: 64 Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work Weeks Worked in 1939: 0 Income: 0 Income Other Sources: Yes Neighbors: View others on page Household Members: Name Age Zulah McDonald 63 | Drollinger, Zulah O. (I12329)
57803 | [DOC] michaelcaldwell/Surnames/Findley - Josiah VFile Format: Microsoft Word Nov 30, 1905 Maude Drollinger born Apr 19, 1879 dau of Allen V. Drollinger ... Josiah V. Thompson Uniontown Pa Family Record Book 13 Page 30 of 232 James Bannington Fulton, Born Mch 4, 1860 m.1. June 20, 1888 Tillie Martin born Nov 17, 1864 who died May 19, 1892 dau of Robert Martin & wife Nancy Craig. She had one child. M.2. Sept 21, 1893 Susie Snodgrass born Oct 23, 1871 who died Oct 24, 1903, dau of Jesse Snodgrass & wife Sarah Martin. She had three children. M.3. Nov 30, 1905 Maude Drollinger born Apr 19, 1879 dau of Allen V. Drollinger & wife Ella Allison & have two children. The children were born, 1 ch. b. near Washington, Ia, other 5 ch. near Fort Skott [sic] Kan. A farmer at Histville, Kans. Marion Martin, B May 27, 1889 Cora Maude, B Apr 4, 1896 m. Feby 2, 1922 to Roy M. Ellis born Sept 10, 1897 son of David Henry Ellis & wife Amelia Ann Hines Juniata Lourene, B Oct 9, 1924 near Savonsburg, Kan Everett E., B June 1, 1899 m. June 25, 1924 to Verna May Lovelett, born Oct 18, 1904 dau of Albert Lovelett & wife Anna Johnson Robert Theodore, B Oct 15, 1903 Margaret Helen, B Dec 26, 1911 Jessie Ruth, B Nov 28, 1913 | Fulton, James Bennington (I16525)
57804 | [Obituary Transcript - The Spirit - A STRANGE SUICIDE. A Man in His Ninetieth Year Blows His Brains Out.] On Sunday of last week, while Jacob Siverling, who was in the ninetieth year of his age, was sitting at the table eating his dinner, he became excited, jumped to his feet and exclaimed: "This ends it. You will never see me alive again." He then went outside, and around the corner of the house, placed the muzzel of an old-fashioned, long barreled pistol to the side of his head, and a bullet crashed into his skull, killing him almost instantly. The deceased was a remarkable vigorous man for his age, but recently is said to have been subject to flighty spells when he would fly into a violent passion about some trivial matter and threaten to shoot himself. Mr. Siverling was a man of considerable intelligence, and with the exception of a little rheumatism, was as sound as the ordinary man of fifty years. His friends all thought that he would easily round out a century of life, and had he not come to the rash conclusion that he would end the "heartaches and the thousand nature shocks that flesh is heir to" and thus "make calamity of so long a life," by self-slaughter, he probably would have seen a hundred years of life. The deceased was a soldier in the 105th regiment, and was a pensioner. Everybody who knew him spoke of him as a fine old man. He lived with his son Amos and daughter at Markton. Name: Jacob Siverling Birth Year: abt 1813 Age in 1870: 57 Birthplace: Pennsylvania Home in 1870: Knox, Jefferson, Pennsylvania Gender: Male Household Members: Name Age Jacob Siverling 57 Mary Siverling 54 Calvin Siverling 19 Lucinda Siverling 17 Anna S Siverling 15 Elisabeth Siverling 10 Jacob Siverling in the U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865 Name: Jacob Siverling Residence: Pennsylvania Enlistment Date: 9 Sep 1861 Rank at enlistment: Private State Served: Pennsylvania Survived the War?: Yes Service Record: Enlisted in Company B, Pennsylvania 105th Infantry Regiment on 09 Sep 1861.Mustered out on 08 Sep 1864. Sources: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861-1865 | Siverling, PVT Jacob (I277)
57805 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Womble, Lyle Franklin (I42303)
57806 | [The following is from page 240 of the book, "The McCoys: Their Story," by Truda Williams McCoy, pub. 1976 by Preservation Council Press, Pikeville, KY] "...There is a marriage record of William McCoy Jr. and Barbara Trollinger on 23 November 1796, with William McCoy Sr. as surety, in Montgomery Co, Virginia... On 18 August 1804, William and Walter McCoy purchased from John Rogers of Fayette County, Kentucky one hundred acres of land on Johns Creek in Floyd County, Kentucky. Their place of residence at the time was Floyd County. William sold 50 acres of this tract of land on 1 March 1811 to Aaron Pinson, but is believed that William was living in Illinois by that time. Family tradition has it that William, Walter, and Ezekiel McCoy went west at an early date. William McCoy was living in Gallatin County, Illinois in 1820. An anniversary issue of Hardin County taken from Pope County, which was taken from Galltain county, Illinois), names Ezekiel and Walter McCoy as early pioneers, and also states that William McCoy was noted as a soldier in the War of 1812.." Early Adventures on the Weatern Waters, Vol I, Mary B. Kegley and F.B. Kegley Page 238 " It was William McCoy who remained in the community and it is his descendants who still inhabit the village of McCoy. William married Susannah, the daughter of Robert Hunter in 1800. Another William McCoy identified as William McCoy Jr., married Barbara Trollinger, and was contemporary with William McCoy and Susannah. Deeds show that between 1805 and 1807 William McCoy and Barbara Trollinger were involved in buying and selling lands near the present town of Dublin, where Henry Trollinger Sr. (Jacob Henry son of Adam GLD) owned property (Montgomery County Deed Book D pp 237, 329, 459, 472). | McCoy, Sgt William Jr. (I978)