Ruth Grassi


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  • Name Ruth Grassi 
    Gender Female 
    Person ID I11681  Drollinger Genealogy
    Last Modified 14 Mar 2016 

    Father Unknown Grassi 
    Mother Louise "Lois" Catherine Strickland 
    Family ID F3748  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • From : "Ruth & Gary Goad"

      To : "Gordon Drollinger"

      Subject : Re: drollinger Family

      Date : Tue, 10 Apr 2001 18:02:24 -0500

      Hi Gordon:
      Thank you so much for sending me the information on Julia,sancestors. My mother is Louis Catherine Strickland Grassi, herparents: Hannah Mathis & Grover Cleveland Strickland , GroverCleveland Stricklands parent: Henry Strickland & Julia Drollinger...ect ect..

      I have one photo of Julia Drollinger, none of Henry Strickland oranyone on up the family tree.. Do you have any photos you can share?? This is great. I can't believe all the information you have. Howlong have you been researching??

      Thanks again for the information.. I hope you have a very nine

      Ruth Grassi Goad

      Good Afternoon, a few days ago I found something interesting on theweb.. You probably already know about this, but just in case you don"t
      I went to this web site and went to Indiana searching for landgrants.
      I found Adam Drollinger document # 16850 40 acres on June 8, 1833
      27528 40 acreson April 5, 1837
      31486 40 acreson Sept 10, 1838

      Gabreil Drollinger 15728 83.2 acres onJuly 10, 1832

      Henry Drollinger 19880 40 acres on Oct.21, 1834
      30033 40 acreson Sept 10, 1838

      Jacob Drollinger 7308 80 acres onApril 2, 1829

      Samuel Drollinger 3314 80 acres on April20, 1826
      6183 80 acreson April 10, 1829
      6989 80 acreson April 2, 1829
      6990 64.44 on April 2, 1829
      7309 80 acreson April 2, 1829

      This looks (to me) like Adam Drollinger born in 1792 and hisson's. Could Samuel really have had this much land??? Have youseen this information before??
      Please let me know what you think after you have checked it out..

      Ruth Goad
      Great Grand Daughter of Julia Drollinger & Henry Strickland...