Aaron Trullinger

Name Aaron Trullinger Birth 3 Apr 1820 OH - Note: Using a date calculator and subtracting 31yrs 9ms 11ds from his death date of 14 Jan 1852 produces a birth date of 3 Apr 1820.
Gender Male Death 14 Jan 1852 Fountain County, IN - Note: Age 31yrs, 9ms, 11ds Burial:
Oak Grove Cemetery
Fountain County
Indiana, USA
Burial Covington, Fountain, IN - Aaron Trullinger
Burial: Oak Grove Cemetery
Covington, Fountain, Indiana, USA
Inscription: "Aaron Trullinger died Jan. 14. 1852 Aged"
Note: Age 31yrs, 9ms, 11ds
Person ID I18393 Drollinger Genealogy Last Modified 5 Sep 2021
Father Abraham (Aaron) Philip "Abram" Trullinger, b. 1792, Bedford County, PA d. 25 Aug 1875, Fountain County, IN
(Age 83 years)
Mother Susannah Shrader, b. 1788 d. 25 Mar 1841, Fountain County, IN (Age 53 years)
Family ID F405 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Event Map Birth - 3 Apr 1820 - OH Death - 14 Jan 1852 - Fountain County, IN Burial - - Covington, Fountain, IN = Link to Google Earth
Oak Grove Cemetery
Covington, Fountain, IN
Notes - Early on I had a copy of the Fountain County IN estate records of an Aaron Trullinger, bond posted and letters of administration granted to a Daniel Trullinger. This Daniel Trullinger was established as a son of Abraham P Trullinger through the census records of 1860 and 1870. The only Aaron found was in the 1850 census age 18 residing with a different family. Part of the estate file, Record Book D page 16 mentions the Inventory and sale bill had been destroyed in a court house fire. In a further continuance of the file dated 2 October 1854 it mentions Daniel Trullinger Adm vs the Heirs of Aaron Trullinger. It mentions that the decedant died on the 14th day of January 1850 the owner of a simple lot number 29 in the old plot of the town of Covington valued at $165.00. The decedant died without children or their descendants but leaving surviving him his father Aaron P. Trullinger aged 62 years who is now insane and has for his guardian William H. Mallory and also the following brothers and sisters to wit: Solina Neumon formerly Solina Trullinger aged 30 years who is intermarried with John Neumon, Jane Fugate formerly Jane Trullinger now intermarried with Hiram Fugate aged 23 years, Julia Trullinger aged 25 years, Ellen Trullinger aged 17 years and Francis Trullinger aged 14 years all of whom are of said county (Fountain) and all are the heirs of the deceased known to your petitioner; he therefore asks for an order to sell such real estate at private sale. Curious that Daniel is not named among the heirs! Curious also is the use of Aaron and Abraham almost interchangeably. It is Aaron in a legal document yet Abraham on census records.
Gordon L. Drollinger
- Early on I had a copy of the Fountain County IN estate records of an Aaron Trullinger, bond posted and letters of administration granted to a Daniel Trullinger. This Daniel Trullinger was established as a son of Abraham P Trullinger through the census records of 1860 and 1870. The only Aaron found was in the 1850 census age 18 residing with a different family. Part of the estate file, Record Book D page 16 mentions the Inventory and sale bill had been destroyed in a court house fire. In a further continuance of the file dated 2 October 1854 it mentions Daniel Trullinger Adm vs the Heirs of Aaron Trullinger. It mentions that the decedant died on the 14th day of January 1850 the owner of a simple lot number 29 in the old plot of the town of Covington valued at $165.00. The decedant died without children or their descendants but leaving surviving him his father Aaron P. Trullinger aged 62 years who is now insane and has for his guardian William H. Mallory and also the following brothers and sisters to wit: Solina Neumon formerly Solina Trullinger aged 30 years who is intermarried with John Neumon, Jane Fugate formerly Jane Trullinger now intermarried with Hiram Fugate aged 23 years, Julia Trullinger aged 25 years, Ellen Trullinger aged 17 years and Francis Trullinger aged 14 years all of whom are of said county (Fountain) and all are the heirs of the deceased known to your petitioner; he therefore asks for an order to sell such real estate at private sale. Curious that Daniel is not named among the heirs! Curious also is the use of Aaron and Abraham almost interchangeably. It is Aaron in a legal document yet Abraham on census records.