Charles Albert Trollinger

Male 1910 - 1974  (63 years)

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  • Name Charles Albert Trollinger 
    Birth 3 Dec 1910  Hereford Twp, Berks County, PA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Death 21 May 1974  El Segundo, Los Angeles, CA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Name: Charles A Trollinger
      Social Security #: 183095349
      Sex: MALE
      Birth Date: 3 Dec 1910
      Birthplace: Pennsylvania
      Death Date: 21 May 1974
      Death Place: Los Angeles
    Person ID I21484  Drollinger Genealogy
    Last Modified 10 Aug 2023 

    Father James Franklin Trollinger,   b. 16 Apr 1888, Hereford Twp, Berks County, PA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 7 Dec 1926, Berks County, PA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 38 years) 
    Mother Emma Caroline Hersh,   b. 29 Aug 1889, Berks County, PA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 3 May 1964, Cetronia, Lehigh, PA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 74 years) 
    Family ID F7392  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Catherine Gertrude Marie Walters,   b. 24 Feb 1917, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 21 Mar 1993, Garden Grove, Orange, CA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 76 years) 
    Marriage 20 Jul 1934  Allentown, Lehigh, PA Find all individuals with events at this location 
     1. Richard Raymond Trollinger
     2. Mary Lou Trollinger
    Family ID F7397  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 14 Mar 2016 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 3 Dec 1910 - Hereford Twp, Berks County, PA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 20 Jul 1934 - Allentown, Lehigh, PA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 21 May 1974 - El Segundo, Los Angeles, CA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Documents
    Harlem Visit Description
    Harlem Visit Description
    HARLEM Joseph Meyers and son. New Jersey; Mr Fretz, Pottstown; Mrs. Emma Trollinger and Chas. Bauman, Red Lion and Bally; Miriam and Jean Trollinger spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Trollinger. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Seisholtz and children, Allentown, spent Sunday with Howard Gregory and family. Harvey Trollinger visited Adam Heimbach Sunday afternoon. Frank Brensinger lost a cow by death. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strunk and their daughter, Marie, Pottstown, visited John Strunk and family. John D. Strunk and daughters, Jennie and Arlene, made a business trip to Boyertown and Bally Tuesday, afternoon. Curtis Trollinger accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Trollinger and Bernard Raub to Elizabeth, N. J, on Christmas Day. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Trollinger were: Mr. and Mrs. Ir- win Crush, Lloyd Trollinger, Charles and Curtis Trollinger, Peter Bower and Aaron Strunk. Mr. and Mrs. John Strunk and children, Eva, Jennie and Arlene; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moyer and Mabel Moyer, Boyertown: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rein-ert 8nd children, Verna, John. Elmer, Paul and Florence, Huff's Church, visited Chas. Hunter and family Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Trollinger and grandson, Curtis Trollinger, made a trip to East Greenville and visited her granddaughters, Frieda and Verna Schultz, on Monday afternoon.
    Harlem Visitation
    Harlem Visitation
    HARLEM Recent guests of A. M. Trollinger were Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson. Mrs. Calvin Moyer and Elmer Moyer, of Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Er-win Crush and daughter Thelma, of Allen town; Freeda Schultz, of East Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trollinger, of Huffs Church, and Lydia Huhn. of Allentown. . Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hippie, of Pottstown, visited John D. Strunk ana family. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Trollinger and Earl Trollinger, of Hereford, spent an evening with Llovd Trollinger and family. John Gery and Erma Blatt spent an evening at Red Hill, visiting Lizzie Gregory, who was hurt in an automobile accident last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kramlich and Charles Hess were the guests of Mr. Kramlich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kramlich, at Dryville. Leroy Dllllnplalne, who was em ployed at Landis Store the past two years, returned home to bis mother, Alice Dillinplaine. . Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kramlich, Erma Blatt and Charles Hess enjoyed an auto ride to Birdsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moser and Gertie Moser, of Boyertown; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stannic and children Annie, Mamie and Fannie, of New Berlins-vule; Mr. and Mrs. George Long, Clarence Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Roarbach, Mrs. Heffner and Mrs: David Roarbach, of Topton, visited John Strunk and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory and son Webster visited in Reading. Grover Kramlich is employed by the government to renter war veterans buried on the three cemeteries at Huffs Church. Mrs. A. M. Trollinger spent a day at Hereford visiting her grandson. Curtis Trollinger. Grover Kramlich made a trip to Reading.
    Death Notice
    Death Notice
    The Morning Call
    Allentown, Pennsylvania · Thursday, May 23, 1974