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| Harlem Visitation HARLEM Recent guests of A. M. Trollinger were Mr. and Mrs. John Pearson. Mrs. Calvin Moyer and Elmer Moyer, of Reading; Mr. and Mrs. Er-win Crush and daughter Thelma, of Allen town; Freeda Schultz, of East Greenville; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trollinger, of Huffs Church, and Lydia Huhn. of Allentown. . Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Hippie, of Pottstown, visited John D. Strunk ana family. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Trollinger and Earl Trollinger, of Hereford, spent an evening with Llovd Trollinger and family. John Gery and Erma Blatt spent an evening at Red Hill, visiting Lizzie Gregory, who was hurt in an automobile accident last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kramlich and Charles Hess were the guests of Mr. Kramlich's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kramlich, at Dryville. Leroy Dllllnplalne, who was em ployed at Landis Store the past two years, returned home to bis mother, Alice Dillinplaine. . Mr. and Mrs. Grover Kramlich, Erma Blatt and Charles Hess enjoyed an auto ride to Birdsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moser and Gertie Moser, of Boyertown; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stannic and children Annie, Mamie and Fannie, of New Berlins-vule; Mr. and Mrs. George Long, Clarence Rauch, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Roarbach, Mrs. Heffner and Mrs: David Roarbach, of Topton, visited John Strunk and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory and son Webster visited in Reading. Grover Kramlich is employed by the government to renter war veterans buried on the three cemeteries at Huffs Church. Mrs. A. M. Trollinger spent a day at Hereford visiting her grandson. Curtis Trollinger. Grover Kramlich made a trip to Reading. |
| Harlem Visitation HARLEM Mr. and Mrs. Willard Kern and son Stanley and Mabel Fahringer, of Kutztown, spent an evening with Lloyd Trollinger and lamuy. . . The following were guests of A. M. Trollinger and family: Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Trollinger and Earl Trollinger. Emma Schults, Frieda Schultz, Verna Schultz and Mrs. Minnie Moyer, of Pennsburg. Mrs. John S trunk and Mrs. Web ster Gregory and son Richard made a business trip to Emaus. John Gery and Mrs. Lizzie Gregory and son Stanley made a trip to Philadelphia and visited Mrs. LUlie Diehl and family. X Lydia Cutzler, who spent two weeks with Mrs. Lloyd Trollinger, returned home. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moser visited John Strunk and family.. A. M. Trollinger and son Lloyd. John Gery and Mabel Fahringer attended a sale at Perkiomenville. Mr. and Mrs. George Oregory and son Webster visited George Levengood and family. - Mr. and Mrs. George Long, Clarence Raucb and Robert Smith visited John Strunk and family. Mrs. Webster Gregory spent two days in Boyertown helping Mrs. Alice Dierolf bake. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Crush and daughter, Thelma, of Allentown; Mr. and Mrs. John Moyer and Mrs. John Moyer, of Royersford; Mrs. George Bausher and daughter Shirley and Melvin Trollinger, of Pottstowc, and Doughs Moyer, of Royersford, visited A. M. Trollinger and family. |