Thersa McGinnis

Female 1782 - Aft 1825  (> 44 years)

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  • Name Thersa McGinnis 
    Birth 1782 
    Gender Female 
    Death Aft 1825 
    Person ID I2411  Drollinger Genealogy
    Last Modified 14 Mar 2016 

    Father John McGinnis,   b. Abt 1750, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Oct 1788, Cumberland County, PA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 38 years) 
    Mother Rebecca Johnson,   b. Abt 1750, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Mar 1823, Cumberland County, PA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age ~ 73 years) 
    Family ID F769  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Lafferty 
    Family ID F2238  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 14 Mar 2016 

  • Notes 
    • Dear Brother 24 October 1825

      I have not heard from you now for a long time and I was muchpleased to get word from you by the bearer, and I now embrace thisopportunity of writing to you. I do not know whether you have heard ofmother's death which took place two years ago last March. I supposeyou have heard of brother James' death, he died in Cincinnati aboutsix years ago. Brother Joseph lost his wife and is married the secondtime, he had four children by his first wife, he is well, his familyis doing pretty well. I have seen brother John and his family is well.
      I am living near Carlisle with Mr. Thomas Trimble. I have myhealth pretty well generally. I wish you would write to me and let meknow everything about your family and if you have had any word fromSarah Linn or Rebecca McKim. I have not heard a word from them thislong time. John Steele is gone to the western country somewhere but Icannot tell where. I hope you will write to me shortly, direct yourletter to me near Carlisle. I add no more but remain your affectionatesister.

      Tirza Lafferty

      Mr. Wm McGinnis
      Oil Creek, Venango or Crawford county, PA