Isabella Stout

Name Isabella Stout Birth 16 Oct 1836 Philadelphia County, PA - Name: Isabella Stout
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 77
Birth Date: abt 1837
Birth Place: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Death Date: 3 Jan 1914
Death Place: Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Father Name: John Stout
Father Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Mother Name: Mary Trullinger
Mother Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Certificate Number: 2710
Isabella Stout in the Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and TownRecords, 1708-1985
Name: Isabella Stout
Birth Date: 16 Oct 1836
Event Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 22 Jul 1845
Baptism Place: Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Baptism Age: 8
Father Name: William Stout
Mother Name: Mary
Denomination: Lutheran
Organization Name: Zion German Lutheran Church
Gender Female Death 3 Jan 1914 Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA - Name: Isabella Stout
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 77
Birth Date: abt 1837
Birth Place: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Death Date: 3 Jan 1914
Death Place: 19th & Market, Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, USA
Father Name: John Stout
Father Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Mother Name: Mary Trullinger
Mother Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Marital Status: Single
Cause of Death: Apoplexy
Informant/Address: Edwin Pancake/109 Boas[sp?], PA
Burial Date/Place: 5 Jan 1931/Harrisburg
Certificate Number: 2710
(Internet extraction and some transcription provided by David H.Drollinger 6 Jan 2016)
Person ID I38337 Drollinger Genealogy Last Modified 14 Mar 2016
Father William (John) Stout Mother Maria (Mary) Drollinger, b. 4 Sep 1804, Germantown, Philadelphia, PA d. Aft 1825 (Age > 22 years)
Family ID F5639 Group Sheet | Family Chart
- Name: Isabella Stout
Event Map = Link to Google Earth
Notes - I do not believe Isabella ever married. (DHD 6 Jan 2016)
Last Will and Testament of Susanna Trullinger dec'd
In the name of God Amen I Susanna Trullinger of the Bourough ofHarrisburg, County of Dauphin, state of Pennsylvania widow being ofperfect health and sound mind memory ... Item I give and bequeath untomy grandaughters Lenora Nell and Wilhelmina Nell, daughters ofElizabeth Nell dec'd fifty dollars each. Item I give and bequeath tomy grand children, Susan Stout, Mary Stout, John Stout, Mary AnnStout, and Isabella Stout, children of Mary Stout dec'd twenty dollarseach. Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Susan Pancake onehundred dollars. Item I give and bequeath to my two daughters Margaretand Isabella Trullinger the house and one half of the lot of ground onwhich I now reside with all the furniture bedding left in said houseexcept in one bed room over the entry which I give and bequeath to myson John A S Trullinger. Item I give and bequeath to my son John A STrullinger the other half of the above lot of ground running fromFront Street to River Alley in the Borough of Harrisburg. Item and thebalance of my personal estate viz money, note and bonds I give andbequeath to my two sons George Trullinger and William Trullinger ... Ihave set my hand this 5th day of April Anno Domini 1856
affirmed May 17th 1856
- I do not believe Isabella ever married. (DHD 6 Jan 2016)