Notes |
- Education:
Attended First Ward Elementary School, Freeport, Illinois for Kindergarten through Third Grades.
Attended Lincoln Elementary School, Freeport, Illinois for Fourth Grade. My teacher was Niss Evelyn Dameier.
Attended Empire Elementary School, Freeport, Illinois for Fifth and Sixth Grades. Empire was a brand new school when I entered it for Fifth Grade. Mrs. Phyllis Seeman was my teacher for fifth grade and Mr. Ross Papke was my sixth grade teacher. I started violin and clarinet in the fifth grade.
Attended Freeport Junior High School for Seventh, Eighth and Ninth Grades. Was a member of the orchestra and the band, and was a member of the swimming team in Ninth Grade.
Attended Freeport Senior High School, graduating in June, 1960. Was a member of the band and the orchestra. Sat first chair, clarinet, in the band and the orchestra in my junior and senior years.
Attended University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. Graduated June, 1965 with Bachelor of Business Administration, majoring in Management, June 13, 1965. Participated in UC Bands while in college. Sat first chair, clarinet, in concert band for three years. Was elected to Kappa Kappa Psi, national band honorary fraternity, in 1963. Served as vice president for the 1964-65 school year. Became Life member of Kappa Kappa Psi on graduation from college. Was awarded Outstanding Concert Bandsman Award for 1965. While in college, was selected to join Scabbard and Blade, an honorary Army ROTC society, in my junior year. Was also a member of the Army ROTC band, becoming cadet commanding officer and director in my senior year. Took first trip to New York City as a member of the ROTC band to attend a national competition held at Rutgers University in New Jersey. I also had another trip to New York my senior year when UC played Army at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.
Boy Scouts of America:
Became a Cub Scout at age 8, joining the cub pack sponsored by First Ward Elementary School PTA in Freeport, Illinois. Subsequently became member of cub packs at Lincoln Elementary and Empire Elementary Schools as school enrollment changed during elementary school years. Achieved Bobcat, Wolk, Bear, Lion and Webelos.
Earned God and Country Award for Boy Scouts in 1957 through Second Presbyterian Church in Freeport, Illinois.
Eagle Scout, April, 1960. Was a member of Explorer Post 405, sponsored by First Presbyterian Church, Freeport, Illinois. The post was part of U.S. Grant Council.
Served on camp staff, Canyon Camp, in 1957 (member of program staff) and 1958 (assistant maintenance director).
Served as assistant scoutmaster, Troop 97, sponsored by North Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, for a short time while in college in the early 1960s.
Served as assistant scoutmaster and later as scoutmaster, Troop 101, sponsored by Special Services, Fitzsimons General Hospital, while station in Denver, Colorado on active duty with U.S. Army in 1965, 1966 and 1967.
Served as member of troop committee, Troop 710, sponsored by White Oak Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio when the troop was activated in the early 1970s.
Became affiliated with Troop 610, Sponsored by Holy Name Church, Forest Park (Cincinnati), Ohio in 1982. Served on committee, as assistant scoutmaster, and as scoutmaster. Service with this troop ended in 1993.
Church Affiliation information:
Baptized Church of Our Savior (Evangelical Lutheran), Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, April 24, 1943
Grew up in Second Presbyterian Church, Freeport, Illinois. Confirmed April, 1955. Member of Adult Choir from Fall, 1956 until May, 1960
Letter of Transfer to Trinity Presbyterian Church, Clearwater, Florida, 1962(?)
Letter of Transfer to North Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 4, 1964.
Ordained Deacon January, 1968. Resigned from Board of Deacons in April, 1968 due to recall to active duty in U.S. Army.
Ordained ruling Elder January, 1970. Resigned as Elder/Trustee in November, 1971.
Letter of Transfer to White Oak Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 13, 1972.
Served one term as Deacon in early 1970s.
Elder/Trustee 1978-1981 and 1985-1988.
Director, Bell Choir, 1975-2000
Choir, 1972
Lay Commissioner to Presbytery, September, 1998
Clerk of Session,
Masonic Record:
Blue Lodge Information:
Excelsior Lodge 97, AF&AM, Freeport, Illinois:
initiated: August 31, 1964
Passed: September 8, 1964
Raised: September 14, 1964
Note: This was an accelerated entry, allowed under the rules of the Grand Lodge of Illinois that permitted passage for college students and military members as quickly as work could be learned. I was coached personally and extensively by Samuel R. Dickey, 33rd Degree, who was Past Master of Evergreen Lodge 107 in Freeport and who had been Chapter Advisor to me when I was in DeMolay.
Scottish Rite:
Valley of Cincinnati, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, Spring Reunion Class, April, 1965
Syrian Temple, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1971
Served United States Army Second Lieutenant to Captain
Sep 1965 to Sep 1967: Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, Colorado; Medical Supply. Promoted to First Lieutenant October 1966
May 1968 to Aug 1969: Recalled to active duty as part of 311th. Field Hospital, Sharonville (Cincinnati), Ohio. Stationed Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, from May 1968 to November, 1968. Reassigned to 135th Evacuation Hospital, Fort Leonard Wood, in Sep 1968. Promoted to Captain May, 1968. Reassigned 326 Medical Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, Republic of Viet Nam in November, 1968. Served as S-4 (Battalion Supply Officer). Released from active duty in Aug 1969, Returned to U.S.
Employed by Nimrod Equipment Division, Ward Manufacturing, Inc. (manufacturer of Nimrod camping trailers) as parts and accessories manager from September, 1967 to April, 1968, when recalled to active duty, U.S. Army.
Entered insurance business as underwriter trainee, Employers-Commercial Union Insurance Group, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rose to position of senior underwriter. Resigned in May, 1976, to join Ohio Casualty Group of Insurance Companies, Hamilton, Ohio. Rose to position in Marketing Department as Marketing Manager by 1999. As of 1999, anxious as hell to retire! Retired Effective June 30, 2000, as Marketing Manager, Ohio Casualty Group.