Notes |
- Father: Richard Demont Smith
Mother: Evaline Maria Smith
Spouse: Harry Jay Orcutt
Children: Lorne Smith Orcutt
1900 United States Federal Census
Name: Vera M Smith
Age: 3/12
Birth Date: Mar 1900
Birthplace: Idaho, USA
Home in 1900: Edmund, Fremont, Idaho
Sheet Number: 4
Number of Dwelling in Order of Visitation: 60
Family Number: 63
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father's Name: Richard D Smith
Father's Birthplace: Utah, USA
Mother's Name: Evaline M Smith
Mother's Birthplace: Nebraska, USA
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members Age Relationship
Richard D Smith 39 Head
Evaline M Smith 34 Wife
Richard D Smith 14 Son
Evaline M Smith 13 Daughter
Edna E Smith 11 Daughter
Orvil B Smith 9 Son
Henry T Smith 6 Son
Jeannette Smith 4 Daughter
Vera M Smith 3/12 Daughter
1901 Census of Canada
Name: Vera M Smith
Gender: Female
Racial or Tribal Origin: French
Nationality: American
Marital status: Single
Age: 1
Birth Date: 10 Mar 1900
Birth Place: USA
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Immigration Year: 1900
Religion: Latter Day Saint
Province: The Territories
District: Alberta
District Number: 202
Sub-District: Cardston
Sub-District Number: 1
Family Number: 20
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard D Smith 40
Eveline M Smith 35
Richard D Smith Jr 15
Eveline Smith 13
Edna E Smith 11
Owerl B Smith 9
Henry T Smith 7
Jennett Smith 5
Vera M Smith 1
1916 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
Name: Vera Smith
Gender: Female
Racial or Tribal Origin: English
Nationality: Canadian
Age: 16
Marital status: Single
Birth Year: 1900
Birth Place: United States
Year of Immigration: 1900
Home in 1916: Bow River, Alberta, Canada
Address: 14, 24, W4, Local Imp D128
Relation to Head of Household: Daughter
Mother: Evaline Smith
Sub-District: 06
Sub District Description: Townships 12, 13 and 14, ranges 24 and 25, W. 4. M.
Enumeration District: 6
Enumerator's Name: L A Starck
Dwelling House: 217
Religion: Latter-Day Saint
Naturalization Status: Naturalized
Can Speak English: Yes
Can Speak French: No
Mother Tongue: None
Can Read: Yes
Can Write: Yes
Occupation: None
Household Members:
Name Age
Evaline Smith 50
Orville Smith 25
Henry Smith 22
Frederick Smith 12
Morgan Smith 10
Jeannette Smith 20
Vera Smith 16
Harry Carter 36