Daisy Mozelle Stamey

Female 1899 - 1979  (80 years)

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  • Name Daisy Mozelle Stamey 
    Birth 2 Apr 1899  Lincoln County, NC Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • North Carolina, Birth Indexes
      Name: Daisy M Stamey
      Event Type: Birth
      Birth County: Lincoln
      Roll number: NCVR_B_C060_66001
      Volume: 2
      Page: 260
    Gender Female 
    Death 29 Dec 1979  Newport News, VA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014 about Daisy Anderson
      Name: Daisy Anderson
      SSN: 231-03-7748
      Last Residence: 23601 Newport News, Newport News City, Virginia, USA
      BORN: 2 Apr 1899
      Last Benefit: 23601 Newport News, Newport News City, Virginia, United States of America
      Died: Dec 1979
      State (Year) SSN issued: Virginia (Before 1951)

      Daisy Stamey Anderson in the Virginia, U.S., Death Records, 1912-2014
      Name Daisy Stamey Anderson
      Gender Female
      Race White
      Death Age 80
      Birth Date 2 Apr 1899
      Death Date 29 Dec 1979
      Death Place Newport News, Virginia, USA
      Registration Date 2 Jan 1980
      Father William A Stamey
      Mother Fannie Trolinger
      Spouse Roy C Anderson
      Certificate Number 1979038428
    Person ID I6558  Drollinger Genealogy
    Last Modified 1 May 2024 

    Father William Alexander Stamey,   b. 27 May 1874, Lincoln County, NC Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 4 Aug 1964, Newton, Catawba, NC Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 90 years) 
    Mother Fannie Elizabeth Trollinger,   b. 24 Dec 1874, Catawba County, NC Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 26 Mar 1945, Newton, Catawba, NC Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 70 years) 
    Family ID F288  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Roy Clifford Anderson,   b. 10 Sep 1898, Lone Oak, Hunt, TX Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 5 Jun 1972, Newport News, VA Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 73 years) 
    Marriage 14 Sep 1918  Norfolk, VA Find all individuals with events at this location 
    +1. Richard Durain Anderson,   b. 16 Mar 1924, Norfolk Virginia Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 16 Apr 1960, Portsmouth Virginia Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 36 years)
    Family ID F13248  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 12 Dec 2020 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBirth - 2 Apr 1899 - Lincoln County, NC Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarriage - 14 Sep 1918 - Norfolk, VA Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - 29 Dec 1979 - Newport News, VA Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 

  • Documents
    Newton Baracas Entertain Philatheas
    Newton Baracas Entertain Philatheas
    Last General Offer In Times' Campaign
    Last General Offer In Times' Campaign
    Miss Daisy Stamey and Miss Foy Trollinger mentioned
    First Nominations From Divisions 2 and 3 in Times Great Circulation Campaign
    First Nominations From Divisions 2 and 3 in Times Great Circulation Campaign
    Newton, Feb. 85. The local council of the Junior Order. United American American Mechanics, held a most enjoyable banquet Tuesday evening tn the council hall. It was a social event such as the council holds every year and was characterized by an excellent menu and a feast of wit and humor. W. B. Gaither acted as toastmaster and numbers of prominent citizens, professional gentlemen and others, responded to toasts. The Baraca class of the Methodist Church entertained the Phllethea class Saturday evening at the home of Miss Rebecca Trolllnger. Guests were registered as they arrived, the guest-book being in charge of Miss Mabel Bacon. They were received by Mr. H. H. Lowery and Miss Daisy Stamey and proceeding to the parlor, enjoyed games and contests. In which Mr. Robert Whittemore won the prize, which was presented by Prof, A. C. Sherrill of Catawba College. Readings were given by Misses Mabel Bacon, Daisy Stamey and after the entertainments of the evening, refreshments were served In the dining room by Misses Trollinger, Bacon, Floy Trollinger and Olive Duke. The session was one unusually delightful.
    The Sick
    The Sick
    Miss Daisy Stamey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stamey, was seized with appendicitis last week and underwent an operation at Greensboro, where she is a student in the State Normal. Mr. Stamey was called to Greensboro to be with her . She is getting along nicely.
    Daisy Stamey Visitation
    Daisy Stamey Visitation
    Miss Daisy Stamey of Newton, who is attending the summer school at the 9tate Normal College, Greensboro, spent the week-end with the family of her cousin, W L. Stamey, on East Washington street
    Standing of Candidates In Division Number Two
    Standing of Candidates In Division Number Two
    On Tuesday evening on the beautiful lawn at the Methodist church the members of the Baraca class and the Epworth League were most delightfully entertained by Miss Dororothy Ervln, assisted by Misa Olive Duke. A number of humorous sketches were read by Mlseee Helen Long, Mabel Bacon. lone Mebkne, and Floy Trol- linger. One of the most amusing feature of the eveijing waa a content In which the names of thoee present were used 'in rhymes, quotations from Phakespeare were used to select partners for a flower contest . The prise In this waa awarded to Miss Daisy Stamey, m boi of candy. The refreshments served consisted of cake, fruit- salad served In oranges, and Miss Duke's famous home-made randy. 1 The attendance waa larger than that of any previous meeting, there being more than flhy present Who enjoyed the evening.- After the social hour, the president. Mr. Herbert Liowry, held a short business session and a number of new namea were enrolled at members. Mra, W. M. Hikes gave a delightful motoring party Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Tom DeRoaeett, of Wilmington. Whose birthday It waa. Henry West, of Wilmington, Mrs. leo Ueat, and Misses Margaret and Ruth Bikes.
    Miss Virginia Holmes, of Marion, In spending a few days here the guest of Miss Floy Trollinger, en route to Winston-Salem, where she will enter Salem Female college. Miss Mary Eller, one of North Wilkosboro's popular young ladles, is the guest of Miss Daisy Stamey.
    Miss Daisy Stamey entertained a large number of the voung people Thursday evening at her home off North Main street, complimentary to her guest, Miss Mary Eller, of North Wilkesboro. After several games of rook, refreshments were served by the hostess.

    Little Miss Ruth Sikes gave a delightful tenth birthday party Friday, at which 18 little girls were guests. Miss Geneva Deal won the prize, a picture in the donkey game. Assisted by her mother and sister, Mrs. W. M. Sikes and Miss Margaret Sikes, the hostess served delicious ice cream, cake and iced drinks at tables decorated with flowers. The Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church met with Mrs. W. B. Gaither Wednesday. The hostess presided. Abernethy and J. R. Campbell related missionary news and Mesdames W. M. Sikes and Frank Garvin sang several songs, Mrs. Sikes playing the accompaniments. Miss Mary Eller, of North Wilkesbororo, left today for home after having been the guest of Miss Daisy Stamey for the past several days.
    Miss Daisy Stamey and automobile party from Newton on their way to Ocean View took supper at W. L. Stamey's last evening, cousin of Miss Stamey
    Miss Daisy Stamey has returned home after a visit to relatives and friends in Salisbury for several days
    Guests of Miss Daisy Stamey
    Guests of Miss Daisy Stamey
    Misses Bryte Stamey and Annie Lee McAllister of Lincolnton are guests of Miss Daisy Stamey. Newton News
    The members of the Baraca class of the Babtist Sunday school were entertained Monday evening by the members of the Fidelis class at the home of Misses Alpha and Mary Cirddle. During the evening refreshments were served. The Baraca class of the Methodist Church gave a social, Saturday evening in honor of the Philathea class of the same Church. The pleasant event was at the residence of Miss Rebecca Trollinger. Miss Daisy Stamey was hostess to the Epworth League of the Methodist Sundav school Tuesday evening.
    Newton Special to The News
    Newton Special to The News
    Newton, Aug. 21. Miss Daisy Stamey was hostess last evening to a few friends in honor of her cousin, Miss Zettie Trollinger of Salisbury.
    Local Notes and Personals
    Local Notes and Personals
    Miss Daisy Stamey of Newton is visiting Miss Annie Lee McAllister and is attending the commencement exercises.
    Mrs. Anderson Sails From Hawaii Today
    Mrs. Anderson Sails From Hawaii Today
    MRS. ANDERSON SAILS FROM HAWAII TODAY Feb. 14 - Mrs. W. A. Stamey today received a cablegram from her daughter. Mrs. R. C. Anderson, formerly Miss Daisy Stamey, stating that she was sailing from Hawaii for her home and expected to reach Newton about March 1st. Mrs. Anderson has been with her husband in Hawaii about a year. Mr. Anderson is in the naval service and expects to come to Newton in August when his time of enlistment will expire.

    Miss Daisy Stamey returned to her school at Henry Sunday afternoen after spending the week-end at home
    Miss Daisy Stamey, of Newton, was the guest of Miss Annie Lee McAllister Thanksgiving day.
    Miss Daisy Stamey has returned home after a visit to relatives and friends in Salisbury for several days.
    Graded School Finals
    Graded School Finals
    American Literature - Miss Daisy Stamey
    Sunday At The Churches
    Sunday At The Churches
    SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES The Epworth league will meet tonight with Miss Daisy Stamey, Miss Dorothy Eryin will be leader.
    Wedding Announcement
    Wedding Announcement
    Announcements have been received here reading as follows: "Ray C. Anderson and Miss Daisy Mozelle Stamey announce their marriage on Saturday, September 14, 1918, In Norfolk. Va. At home after October 1, 229 West 29th street, Norfolk, VA. Mrs. Anderson Is the popular and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stamey, of this city. The groom is from Greenville, Texas, and is now in the navy, stationed at Norfolk, Va.
    Mrs. Anderson Mrs. Daisy Stamey Anderson, 80, 214 Hurley Ave., Newport News, died Saturday in Riverside Hospital after a long illness.
    Roy C. Anderson Obit
    Roy C. Anderson Obit
    Roy C. (Andy) Anderson, 73, 214 Hurley Ave., Newport News, died Monday in Riverside Hospital after a long illness. A native of Texas, lie was a Peninsula resident for 44 years and was owner and operator of a Hilton Village harbor shop. He was a member of St. Andrews Episcopal Church. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Daisy Stamey Anderson, and a grandchild. Peninsula Funeral Home is in charge. The family requests expression of sympathy take the form of contributions to the American Cancer Society.
    Marriage Announcement
    Marriage Announcement
    Mr. Roy C. Anderson and Miss Daisy Mozelle Stanley announce their marriage on Saturday, September the fourteenth, nineteen hundred and eighteen, in Norflok, Va. At home after the first, 229 28th street, Norfolk, Va," Mrs. Anderson is the popular and attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stamey of this city. The groom , Is from Greenville. Texas, and is now In the navy stationed at Norfolk, Va.
    Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson arrived this week from Texas to spend some time with Mrs. Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stamey.
    Death Certificate for Daisy Stamey Anderson
    Death Certificate for Daisy Stamey Anderson
    Newport District Virginia 1930 Census
    Newport District Virginia 1930 Census
    1940 Census
    1940 Census
    Roy C Anderson head
    Daisy Anderson wife
    Richard Anderson son
    At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
    At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
    At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.
    At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.