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Charter members honored at Disabled Veterans banquet
Charter members honored at Disabled Veterans banquet Honor banquet to be Friday Deming Assembly No. 14, Order of the Rainbow For Girls, will hold a spring honor banquet Friday, April 29, at 7 p.m. at Westminister Hall of the Presbyterian Church. Plans for the banquet were completed at the regular session of Rainbow Monday night, April 25, with Jackie Wheeler presiding in the absence of Ann Beckett, Worthy Adviso . A discussion was ldd' concerning Grand Assembly, which will be held in Albuquerque June 9-10-11, and reservations must be in by May 15. Following the meeting a practice was held for the ceremony the girls will present for Mrs. Madeline Foster, Worthy Grand Matron, on her official visit to Ruth Chapter, May 3. Plan organizing Amateur Barrel Racing Assn. An association is being organized for New Mexico amateur barrel racers. It will be referred to as the NMBRA, New Mexico Barrel Racine Association. All persons who are interested in barrel lacing as a sport are being contacted Almost every westein and mid-western state has a similar organization and New Mexico needs one. The purposes of the NMBRA will be: The Deming Chapter No. 2, Disabled American Veterans, honored their charter members at their 29th birthday celebration Saturday night, April 23. A banquet w-as held in the Rose Room of the White House Cafe, Danny Voung, acting commander was in charge in the absence of Raymond Bishop, commander. Of the 12 charter members, only four are living as far as could be determined; two of those could hot be present for the occasion. Raymond Brooks and Steve Dunklin were present; Charles Miller and William B. Freeman could not attend; and the following members; are deceased; Charles Anteen. 1 Tom Brooks, Charles Nemec, George McDonald. A. B. Dar-racott, C. C. Phillips, Sam Dupree and Richard Hedrick. The following relatives of the deceased charter members weie introduced: Mrs. Sam Dupree. Wavne Dupree, Mrs. Marcos Stall and William Brooks. Mayor Elect Bob Beckett introduced the special guests, who brought bnef messages to the chapter on this birthday celebration. Earl F. Youngren ot Las Cruces, State Commandeer; Joe Luchetti of Santa Fe. j Senior Vice Commander; John 1 Nemec of Deming, Junior Vice Commander; Department Ad-1 jutant and Mrs. Fred Plummer of Albuquerque; Mr. and Mrs. i Howard Trollinger of Alamo-1 gordo; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Per tone of Truth or Consequences; Eddie Murati, Post Comman-' der of the American Lecion: Bob Braden, Past Commander of the V.F.W.; Ruben Acosta ' Commander of the V.F.W.; (Continued on Page 8)
Owner of original | The Deming Headlight Deming, New Mexico |
Date | 28 Apr 1960, Thu • Page 1 |
File name | Chartermembers.JPG |
File Size | 128.32k |
Dimensions | 437 x 890 |
Linked to | TEC 5 Harry Bernard Trollinger |
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