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Harlem Visitations

HARLEM The following spent Sunday with A. M. Trollinger and family: Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Crush, Allentown; Mary Sterner, Emaus; Warren Moll and Thelma Miller, Reading; Charles. Raymond and Curtis Trollinger, Ralph Gregory and John H. Gery, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Steltz and daughter Beatrice, Pottstown; Amandus Rohrbach, Topton; Adam Landis, Boy-ertown, and Harvey Moyer, Bechtels-ville. visited John Strunk and family on Sunday. Mrs. A. M. Trollinger and grandson Curtis Trollinger took an auto trip to Chapel where they visited David Conrad. Irwin Crush, Warren Moll, Charles Curtis and Raymond Trollinger and Ralph Gregory and John A. Gery took a trip to Landis Store to visit Elmer Trollinger on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Strunk and children, Aaron, Jennie and Arlene, "visited Frank Eagle and family, Royersford, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Strunk ' and daughter Marie, Pottstown, visited Adam Helmbach and family.

Owner of originalThe Morning Call Allentown, Pennsylvania
Date10 Oct 1929, Thu • Page 2
File nameHarlemVisitation2.JPG
File Size87.79k
Dimensions495 x 723
Linked toAlbert Morris Trollinger; Curtis Franklin Trollinger; Elmer Forrest "Pop-Pop" Trollinger; PFC Raymond Wilson Trollinger

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