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Miss Snow Honored

Miss Snow Honored Miss Lily Nelson Mason honored Miss Mary Exum Snow at a miscellaneous shower yesterday afternoon at her homo on Chapel Hill Street. After a number of interesting rubbers the high score prize an attractive doretn, was won by . Miss Pattie Knight, the booby prize, a goat puzzle, was won by Miss Sadie Trollinger, and Miss Snow received a dainty boudoir tray. A delicious salad, course was served. The guest were invited into the next room, where a cupid was suspended from the with white tulle, a shower of gifts coming from this. Those present were: Misses Pattie Knight, Annie Garrard, Eloise Hannah, Catherine Guthrie, Helen Lyon, Louise Jones, Cora Wright, Annie Leo Graham, Mary Exum Snow, Charlotte Clements, Mabel Duke Goodall, Louise Bullington, Virginia Green, Olive Fau-cette, Sarah Mason,. Judy Sarvey, Dorothy Watkins, Agnes Jones, Margaret- Bradshaw, and Mrs. Horace Snow Jr., Mrs. Horace Snow Sr., Mrs. Hallenbeck, Mrs. James Mason of Nashville, Term., and Misses Mary Cobb and Ruth Early.

Owner of originalDurham Morning Herald Durham, North Carolina
Date26 Nov 1922, Sun • Page 2
File nameSadie1.JPG
File Size82.27k
Dimensions440 x 773
Linked toSadie Gertrude Trollinger

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