Eva Alberta Trollinger

Female 1893 - 1979  (85 years)


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Three Birthdays Marked at Party

Three Birthdays Marked at Party Three birthday anniversaries were marked last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Trollinger, of 1247 Queen street, when they entertained in honor of their son Carlos, George Slonaker and Mrs. Wayne Trollinger. The guests included Mrs, George Trollinger Sr., Mr, and Mrs. William Slonaker, Mrs. Wayne Trollinger, Miss Jane Trollinger, Mr. and Mrs, George Trollinger Jr., and children Yvonne and Carlos, Carl Trollinger and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Trollinger.

Owner of originalThe Mercury Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Date28 Jun 1933, Wed • Page 7
File nameThreebirthdays.JPG
File Size63.89k
Dimensions597 x 733
Linked toDorothy L. Ecker; Clara Cecelia Levengood; Mary H. Noll; George Kryder Slonaker; William Kryder Slonaker; Eva Alberta Trollinger; George Alfred Knetz Trollinger; George Carolus Trollinger; Jane Arline Trollinger; Russell McKinley Trollinger, Sr.; Shirley Yvonne Trollinger

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