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Deaths and Funerals

DEATHS and Funerals MRS. SUSAN E. TROLLINGER, widow of George H. Trollinger, died yesterday morning at 7:40 o’clock in Pottstown hospital of a complication of ailments following several years’ illness. She was confined to the hospital the past eight weeks and was bedfast since January. Mrs Trollinger resided with a son, Wayne Trollinger, 313 NORTH EVANS STREET. Aged 70 years. 6 months and 10 days, she was born at Palm, a daughter of Charles and Elizabeth Knetz. Mrs. Trollinger resided in Pottstown more than 50 year. She was a Luterhan by faith. Her husband, a wholesale confectioner, died about three and a half years ago. Besides her son Wayne G, at home, two other sons, Russell M. Trollinger, Pottstown, and George C. Trollinger, Pottstown, and a daughter, Eva, wife of William S j Funeral Directors H, R. Houck Slonaker in Pottstown, survive. Nine grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Katie Kerchoff. Reading also survive. Funeral services will he held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the residence of Wayne Trollinger. Interment will be made in Pottstown cemetery. Arrangements are in charge of Funeral Directors H. R. Houck Son.

Owner of originalThe Mercury Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Date11 May 1938, Wed • Page 10
File nameDeaths.JPG
File Size44.3k
Dimensions284 x 778
Linked toSusan Emma Knetz; George Alfred Knetz Trollinger; George Carolus Trollinger; Russell McKinley Trollinger, Sr.; Wayne Grant Trollinger

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