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Bride-Elect Showered With Gifts at Dinner
Bride-Elect Showered With Gifts at Dinner Members of Miss Twila Hartenstine’s Bridal Party Give Social Event at Brookside Country Club Members of her bridal party gave a dinner-bridge and s HSW ct — for- Miss Twila Hartenstine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hartenstine, 28 West Fifth street, last night at Brookside Country club. Miss Hartenstine will become the bride of Mr. Ernest Hunter, Spring City, Saturday morning in Valley Forge chapel. Hostesses were Miss Alta Trollinger, maid of honor; Mrs. Richard Stamm, matron of honlor; and Miss Ruth St-eltz and Miss Helen Feldman, bridesmaids. The bride-elect entertained her regular bridge club last night in her home. Other guests arrived in a body, surprising Miss Hartenstine, and took ner to the clubhouse where dinner was served. Serpentine crepe streamers of rainbow colors fell from the center lignt of the ballroom to the table, which was decorated with bowls of lovely roses. Flower and candelabra centerpieces were placed on a long, blue crepe panel which reached from one end of the table to the other. Nut-cup favors were watering pots and figurines of matchng color. Large bowls and baskets of peonies and other early Summer flowers lent color and fragrance to the room. Following dinner the bride - elect was taken to a table on which were placed the gift-packages wrapped in blue and white. The gifts were opened before cards were played. —Those present were Miss Trolllng- er, Mrs Stamm. Miss Feldman. Miss Steltz, Mrs. Gertrude Minchinton, Miss Evelyn Henricks, Miss Gerry Richards, Mrs. Morris Boogar. Miss Ruth Prince, Miss Betty Sassaman, Mrs. William Slick, Mrs. Elwood Schmearer, Mrs. George A. Lessig. Mrs. Simon Feldman, Miss Jeanette Shanley. Miss Dorothy Rose, Mrs. Morris Romig, Mrs. Wayne Trollinger Miss Ginevra Krause, Mrs. William Hartenstine and the bride- elect, Miss Twila Hartenstine.
Owner of original | The Mercury Pottstown, Pennsylvania |
Date | 04 Jun 1935, Tue • Page 6 |
File name | Bride-ElectShoweredWithGiftsatDinner.JPG |
File Size | 45.69k |
Dimensions | 180 x 753 |
Linked to | Clara Cecelia Levengood; Sarah Alta Trollinger |
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