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Local Group Home After Vacation
In keeping with a custom established several years ago, a group of local women and their families spent a week at Miss Iva Smith’s cottage at Wildwood. N. J. The group returned home Sunday night. Those in the party were Mrs. Henry Freeh and children, Evelyn and Henry, Stowe; Mrs. George Amole. 173 York street; Miss Ruth Steltz, Strand apartments; Mrs. Wayne Trollinger and daughters. Alta and Jane, 307 North Evans street; Mrs. Viola Trayer and daughters, Gladys and June, 319 North Evans street; Mrs. Belva Harnley, 173 York street; Mrs. William Hartenstine and sons. Roger and Glenn, 28 West Fifth street; Mrs. Kryder Slonaker and children, Kenneth and George, 331 Jefferson avenue, and Mrs. George Trollinger Sr., 313 North Evans street. Mrs. Amole is spending the remainder of the Summer at the cottage. Kenneth Harnley son of Mrs. Belva Harnley spent the week-end with the group. Local Croup Home After Vacation
Owner of original | The Mercury Pottstown, Pennsylvania |
Date | 13 Aug 1935, Tue • Page 5 |
File name | Local Group Home After Vacation.JPG |
File Size | 53.99k |
Dimensions | 366 x 697 |
Linked to | Susan Emma Knetz; Clara Cecelia Levengood; Jane Arline Trollinger; Sarah Alta Trollinger; Wayne Grant Trollinger |
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