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Troop Auxiliary Holds Card Parly

Troop Auxiliary Holds Card Parly Sponsored by the ladies’ auxiliary of St. James Lutheran troop of Boy Scouts, a card party was held last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Yerger. 1233 Queen street. Bridge and hasenpfeffer were played and a number of prizes were awarded. A door prize, a set of blue dishes, was won by Mrs. G. Galabrese. Other prize winners were: Mrs. William Soloman, Mrs. Stanley I Swinehart, Ezra Yerger, Mrs. Esther Dersh, Mrs. George Amole. Mrs. Maggie Christman, Mrs. Clara Sell, Mrs. John Tyson. Mrs. Mabel Smith. Miss Dorothy Wanger, Mrs. Dennis Loughlin. Mrs. William J. Boden, Mrs. William Rickert. Walter P. Rightnour and Mrs. Wayne Trollinger. Following the distribution of | prizes, refreshments were served by « this committee: Mrs. Ralph L. | iary; Mrs. Stanley Swinehart, Mrs. Raymond Kerper. Mrs. Russell Trollinger, Mrs. Roy Harp. Mrs. Ezra Yerger. Mrs. Dennis Loughlin, Mrs. Anton Will and Mrs. William J. Boden.

Owner of originalThe Mercury Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Date19 May 1936, Tue • Page 6
File nameTroop Auxiliary Holds Card Party.JPG
File Size55.37k
Dimensions365 x 755
Linked toClara Cecelia Levengood

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