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Jane Trollinger Becomes Bride at Pretty Ceremony
Jane Trollinger Becomes Bride at Pretty Ceremony Before a large assemblage of friends and relatives Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock Miss Jane Arline Trollinger. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Trollinger, 313 North Evans street, became the bride of Mr. Paul D Ammon Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Ammon. 462 North York street, in Trinity Reformed church. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John B. Frantz, pasto*, before an altar banked with white snapdragons, white begonias, ferns, and palms, Prior to the ceremony a half hour recital of bridal music was presented by Mrs. Minnie Brendlinger Lehr. She was assisted by Mrs. Harold Buhman. vocalist, who sang, *‘I Love You Truly,’’ “I Love You,-’ and •‘Because.” Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely In a gown of traditional white satin, fashioned with a fitted bodice, high neckline with a scalloped yoke of marquisette, and a full skirt ending in a wide graceful train. Her finger tip veil was attached to a tiara of orange blossoms and her bouquet was a cascade of lilies. Matron of honor was Mrs. Joseph Forrest, sister of the bride and maid of honor was Miss Constance Chaplin. Bridesmaids were Miss Yvonne Trollinger, cousin of the bride, Mrs. John Wanger Jr., Miss Betty Saylor, cousin of the bridegroom, and Mrs. N. C. Reynier Jr. A niece of the bride. Miss Susan Forrest, attended as flower girl. Mrs. Forrest wore yellow taffeta, the model featuring a high neckline fitted bodice, cap sleeves and full skirt with peplum effect. Her headdress of flowers matched her shower bouquet of iris. Miss Chaplin wore coral taffeta and the bridesmaids were attired in aqua gowns, all styled like the matron of honors. They wore headdresses and carried bouquets of daffodils and acacia. Miss Forrest wore the same as the matron of honor arid her headdress and bouquet were matching. Mr. Elmer Pollock served as best man while the ushers were Messrs Benjamin Bradley, Robert Groom. Joseph Forrest, brother-in-law of the bride. Warren Egolf, cousin of the bride, and Richard Eppehimer. Mrs. Trollinger, mother of the bride, wore a lime colored dress with hat to match and brown accessories. She wore a corsage of cymbisums. Mrs. Ammon, mother of the bridegroom, was attired in navy blue and she wore a corsage of gardenias. Following a reception which was held in the church, the couple left on a wedding trip to New' York and upon their return they will reside it, 23 North Hanover street. For traveling the bride chose a chartreuse suit with brown accessories and a brown orchid corsage.
Owner of original | The Mercury Pottstown, Pennsylvania |
Date | 11 Mar 1946, Mon • Page 5 |
File name | Jane Trollinger Becomes Bride at Pretty Ceremony.JPG |
File Size | 49.05k |
Dimensions | 184 x 876 |
Linked to | Clara Cecelia Levengood; Jane Arline Trollinger; Sarah Alta Trollinger; Shirley Yvonne Trollinger; Wayne Grant Trollinger |
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