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Newton, Feb. 85. The local council of the Junior Order. United American American Mechanics, held a most enjoyable banquet Tuesday evening tn the council hall. It was a social event such as the council holds every year and was characterized by an excellent menu and a feast of wit and humor. W. B. Gaither acted as toastmaster and numbers of prominent citizens, professional gentlemen and others, responded to toasts. The Baraca class of the Methodist Church entertained the Phllethea class Saturday evening at the home of Miss Rebecca Trolllnger. Guests were registered as they arrived, the guest-book being in charge of Miss Mabel Bacon. They were received by Mr. H. H. Lowery and Miss Daisy Stamey and proceeding to the parlor, enjoyed games and contests. In which Mr. Robert Whittemore won the prize, which was presented by Prof, A. C. Sherrill of Catawba College. Readings were given by Misses Mabel Bacon, Daisy Stamey and after the entertainments of the evening, refreshments were served In the dining room by Misses Trollinger, Bacon, Floy Trollinger and Olive Duke. The session was one unusually delightful.

Owner of original The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, North Carolina
Date27 Feb 1916, Sun • Page 15
File nameNewton.JPG
File Size83.45k
Dimensions383 x 696
Linked toDaisy Mozelle Stamey; Floy Irene Trollinger; Mary Rebecca Trollinger

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