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On Tuesday evening on the beautiful lawn at the Methodist church the members of the Baraca class and the Epworth League were most delightfully entertained by Miss Dororothy Ervln, assisted by Misa Olive Duke. A number of humorous sketches were read by Mlseee Helen Long, Mabel Bacon. lone Mebkne, and Floy Trol- linger. One of the most amusing feature of the eveijing waa a content In which the names of thoee present were used 'in rhymes, quotations from Phakespeare were used to select partners for a flower contest . The prise In this waa awarded to Miss Daisy Stamey, m boi of candy. The refreshments served consisted of cake, fruit- salad served In oranges, and Miss Duke's famous home-made randy. 1 The attendance waa larger than that of any previous meeting, there being more than flhy present Who enjoyed the evening.- After the social hour, the president. Mr. Herbert Liowry, held a short business session and a number of new namea were enrolled at members. Mra, W. M. Hikes gave a delightful motoring party Wednesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Tom DeRoaeett, of Wilmington. Whose birthday It waa. Henry West, of Wilmington, Mrs. leo Ueat, and Misses Margaret and Ruth Bikes.
Owner of original | News and Observer Raleigh, North Carolina |
Date | 27 Sep 1914, Sun • Page 19 |
File name | FloyDaisy.JPG |
File Size | 84.22k |
Dimensions | 491 x 716 |
Linked to | Daisy Mozelle Stamey; Floy Irene Trollinger |
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