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Miss Daisy Stamey entertained a large number of the voung people Thursday evening at her home off North Main street, complimentary to her guest, Miss Mary Eller, of North Wilkesboro. After several games of rook, refreshments were served by the hostess.
Little Miss Ruth Sikes gave a delightful tenth birthday party Friday, at which 18 little girls were guests. Miss Geneva Deal won the prize, a picture in the donkey game. Assisted by her mother and sister, Mrs. W. M. Sikes and Miss Margaret Sikes, the hostess served delicious ice cream, cake and iced drinks at tables decorated with flowers. The Ladies' Home and Foreign Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church met with Mrs. W. B. Gaither Wednesday. The hostess presided. Abernethy and J. R. Campbell related missionary news and Mesdames W. M. Sikes and Frank Garvin sang several songs, Mrs. Sikes playing the accompaniments. Miss Mary Eller, of North Wilkesbororo, left today for home after having been the guest of Miss Daisy Stamey for the past several days.
Owner of original | Greensboro Daily News Greensboro, North Carolina |
Date | 23 Sep 1917, Sun • Page 17 |
File name | Daisy.JPG |
File Size | 80.54k |
Dimensions | 434 x 728 |
Linked to | Daisy Mozelle Stamey |
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