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Beauty Honors Artist Reid Inspiration Of A Fantasy
To the lovers of art, the name and fame of Robert Reid, of New York City, are deeply intrenched. Over thirty years ago he was invited to Join the redoubtable group known as the "Ten American Painters," which included Weir, Chase, Benson Tarbell, Hassam, Metcalfe and De Camp. He is a prominent' member of the National Institute of Arts and Letters. National Academy of Design and has won medals at the Chicago Exposition, Paris, and other national and International displays. His work is found among the permanent collections in the Metropolitan Museum, Corcoran and National galleries in Washington, and many of the more famous galleries in the States and abroad retain a permanent Reid collection. Among the mural decorations that Mr. Reid has furnished are the State House in Boston, Paulist Fathers' church, New York and the Congressional library, Washington. A few years ago Mr. Reid lost the use of his right arm and in most recent months has transplanted his genius to canvas with his left hand. Friends were alarmed, thinking that while his dreams might come his left hand would not possess the educated deftness of his right, but since turning out several masterpieces they have concluded that he is ambidextrous. Last January Mr. and Mrs. Stanyarne Little, of Johnson City, were at Clifton Springs, N. Y, and (Mr. Reid happened to be there at the same time. Mrs. Little's stun-fling beauty struck the fancy of the famous artist and he secured an introduction and insisted on painting a fantasy which he completed after several sittings. It was exhibited at several of the New York shows this spring and at Syracuse. Recently Mr. Reid sent the picture to Mr. and Mrs. Little and during the past fortnig-ht their home In Johnson City has been the mecca for art lovers. It is a marvelous piece of work,,-bearing the impress of rythm and warmth, a very definite charm to beauty. As a likeness of Mrs. Little the picture is not totally lacking, recurring glimpses revealing features of this popular matron, the color sense of the artist being unerring, his palette not only luminous but fully orchestrated.
Owner of original | The Bristol Herald Courier Bristol, Tennessee |
Date | 02 Aug 1929, Fri • Page 6 |
File name | BeautyHonorsArtistReid Inspiration of a fantasy.JPG |
File Size | 81.84k |
Dimensions | 489 x 556 |
Linked to | Family: Little/Trolinger (F16655) |
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