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Mrs. May Trollinger Slack Weds Mr. Hubert W. Steger
Mrs. Mary Trollinger Slack Weds Mr. Hubert W. Steger. Mrs. Henry Lewis Trollinger has the honour of announcing the marriage of her daughter Mary Elizabeth to Mr. Hubert W Steger on Saturday the twelfth of September One Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-Two at Pulaski Virginia. This unites two of the oldest families in Southwest Virginia both being residents of Pulaski. The Rev D. Trigg James of the First Methodist Church officiated. Mrs Steger is the daughter of Mrs Henry Lewis Trolinger and the late Mr. Trollinger. Mr. Steger is president and treasurer of the Paul Knitting Mills and president of the Pulaski Trust Company Mr and Mrs. Steger on their return from a wedding trip will be at home at 520 North Washington Avenue after October 10th.
Owner of original | The Bristol Herald Courier (Bristol, Tennessee) |
Date | 13 Sep 1942, Sun |
File name | MarriageStegar.jpg |
File Size | 108.6k |
Dimensions | 400 x 291 |
Linked to | Family: Steger/Trolinger (F7709) |
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