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Catawba Circle Women Gather
CATAWBA CIRCLE WOMEN GATHER CATAWBA. Oct. 29. The Ruth circle of the Catawba Baptist Womans Missionary society met Thursday evening at the home of Miss Carolyn Hubbard. Mra Jack Wilson was program leader. Participating in the program were Mrs. A. B. Waters, Mrs. Neil Ervin, Miss Carolyn Hubbard, Miss Loretta Trollinger, and Miss Louise Waters, a special guest. Following the program Mrs. Ervin, the circle leader, conducted a business session, after which the hostess served refreshments to Mrs. Waters, Mrs. Ervin, Mrs. Wilson, Miss Trollinger, Miss Waters, Miss Peggy Ervin and Miss Ann Gray Wilson.
Owner of original | The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, North Carolina |
Date | 30 Oct 1949, Sun • Page 51 |
File name | Catawba Circle Women Gather.JPG |
File Size | 94.49k |
Dimensions | 590 x 837 |
Linked to | Katherine Loreta Trollinger |
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