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Catawba Circle Holds Meeting
CATAWBA CIRCLE HOLDS MEETING CATAWBA. June 21. The Ruth Circle of the Catawba Baptist Woman Missionary society met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Coite Witherspoon. Mrs. Withei-fpoon as program leader. Miss Carolyn Hubbard conducted the business session. After the meeting the hostess, as-dated by Miss Hubbard, served re-frehments to Mrs. A. R. Waters, Mrs. Grady Aberncthy, Mrs. Charlie Cook Mr. Neil Ervin. Miss Loretta Trol-linger. Miss Hubbard, members, and Miss Louise Waters, Miss Nina Ervin. Miss Peggy Ervin, Miss Pol-ly Abernethy, visitors.
Owner of original | The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, North Carolina |
Date | 22 Jun 1951, Fri • Page 18 |
File name | Catawba Circle Holds Meeting.JPG |
File Size | 83.73k |
Dimensions | 544 x 697 |
Linked to | Katherine Loreta Trollinger |
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