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NEWTON Newton June 15 — In honor of her brother Air Clyde Trollinger of Camp Sevier Aliss Floy Trollinger was hostess to quite a number of friends on Alonday evening at a most ' I delightful rook party After a large number of games had been played it was found that AHsses !ose Ianeas- ter and lone Alebane had tied for the prize which went to Aliss Alebane a box of stationery and Frank Reinhardt Charles 11 Me- bane II II Lowry Clyde Trollinger 1 Air and Mrs J W Hollingsworth and family Miss Francis Schrum Miss Afabel Racon and Julius Abernethy I motored to Blowing Rock where they spent the dav Sunday Alisses Virginia Phipps of Tnde- l I pendenee Va and Rosamond Berry ! of Lynchburg Va who have been I house guests of Mrs R R Knox for several days left yesterday for their respective lioniPs Aliss Alyrtle Travis of Jamacia N Y: where she is taking a course for nurse al tlie Queen’s hospital and i sister Aliss Ora Belle Tra-vls who has been teaching in Georgia have arrived to spend a few weeks with their parents near this city AIWs Estelle Hinshaw was hostess to the Rook club at the Virginia Shipp hotel on Tuesday ev-pnlng As the guests arrived they were served delicious punch At the close of the games Aliss lone Alebane was found to have the highest score and was awarded the prize Those pres5nt were Misses Mabel Racon Floy Trollinger Alarguerite Wright Alargaret and lone Alebane Eva Powell Airs E T Harwell and John Miller H H Lowry Charles II Alebane Jr W B Hargett Clyde Trollinger Loomis F Klutz county solicitor spent this week in Charlotte where he attended the state meeting of the Order Eastern Star Alisses Annie Duke Mozelle Trollinger Sarah and Willie Witherspoon and other teachers left this week for Chapel Hill to attend the summer school nt the srate university- Airs Frank Warllck and Frank Jr are spending a few days with her husband at St Indianapolis From there they expect to go to St Louts for a visit before returning to Hot Springs where they will be the guests of relatives of Airs Warllck for slome time Miss Jamie Alundy of Denver after a visit to her cousin Airs T C Clifton has returned to her home Dr and Airs W M Sikes and little son W AL Jr and daughters AHsses j Alargaret and Ruth Sikes have gone to Waynesville where Dr Sikes has been called to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church Miss Alaude Setzer head nurse at the soldiers’ home in Raleigh: Macon Setzer of Charlotte Aliss Beatrice Setzer of Petersburg Va and Zolle Setzer of Camp Jackson spent the week-pnd at the home of their parents Mr and Airs Caleb Setzer One of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Miss Bertie Huitt and W W Newman which took place at the home of the bride’s father 1 H C Iluitt on route 1 from Catawba last night at 8:30 o'clock Rev V L Fulmer pastor of the Beth-Eden Lutheran church this city performed the ceremony using the ring ceremony of the Lutheran church The parlor where the wedding took place was most artistically decorated with flowers and potted plants The flowers In in-handsome vases formed an effective i background When Miss Lorena Lit tie sounded the bridal chorus from Lohengrin the wedding party entered Miss Huitt with her maid of honor Aliss Rena Huitt entered from the hall She wore a lovely gown of white crepe meteor and carried a bouquet of white flowers The maid of honor wore a pretty frock of blue crepe de chine The bridegroom accompanied by his best man II B Wolfe of Concord entered from the living room and met the bride in front of the Improvised altar While the Impressive vows were being taken Aliss Little softly played "Humoresque" Only a few relatives and Intimate friends were present The bride was educated at Lenoir college Hickory and later studied art in the art school of Washington D C The groom Is a popular young business man
Owner of original | The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, North Carolina |
Date | 16 Jun 1918, Sun • Page 19 |
File name | Newton1.JPG |
File Size | 58.91k |
Dimensions | 156 x 872 |
Linked to | Floy Irene Trollinger |
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