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2 Arrested in Counterfeiting

Thursday, April 13, 1961 2 Arrested In Counterfeiting By JOHN YORK Observer Staff Writer. Secret Service agents in Miami, Fla., have arrested two men and are hunting a woman on charges of printing and distributing counterfeit $10 bills. Agents say the counterfeit money is the same money that five Georgia residents are accused of passing in several South Carolina and Georgia towns before their arrest in Charlotte April 5. The three Miami residents were indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday morning on charges of manufacturing and possessing counterfeit securities of the United States. They also were indicted on charges of conspiracy to manufacture counterfeit securities of the United States. The men arrested Monday night by Secret Service agents are Rene Marcel Nachbauer 32, of 3241 S W. 98th Ave ; and Carl A. Johnson, 55, of 3331 S W. 105th Court. The woman being hunted by Secret Service agents is Billie Fleming of 333 N W. 4th Ave. The Secret Service says she appareatly left her home in Miami after learning of the arrest in Charlotte of the five Georgia residents who had $4,150 in counterfeit bills in their possession. Vernon D. Spicer, agent in charge of the Secret Service in Charlotte, said Nachbauer has admitted printing the counterfeit notes on a press in a garage next door to Mrs. Flemmings home. Spicer said Johnson has admitted buying necessary supplies of paper and ink and acting as the promoter or salesman who sold and distributed the counterfeit money to persons who would pass it into other states. Mrs. Fleming is accused of financing the entire operation and of furnishing the garage where the printing was done. The Secret Service said it appears that between $17,000 and $20,004 in counterfeit bills were printed before the arrests of Johnson and Nachbauer. Spicer estimated that the counterfeiting operation might have been under way for as long as two months. A total of $6,000 in counterfeit bills was recovered with the arrest of the Miami men, according to John Marshall, agent in charge of the Miami Secret Service office. Another $4,150 was recovered with the arrest of the five persons here April 5. Spicer said the persons arrested in Charlotte left Miami with $5,000 in counterfeit bills and began passing the bills in Georgia and South Carolina as they traveled up the coast. None of the bills have been located in Florida to his knowledge, Spicer said. Thirty of the bogus bills reportedly were passed in and around Augusta, Ga., during the Masters' Golf Tournament Spicer said. He said the five took advantage of the influx of tourists to pass the bills. All 30 have been recovered, he said. One of the five arrested here, James Ellis Trollinger, 49, of Shellman, Ga., also was indicted on a charge of conspiracy to manufacture and possess counterfeit securities, Spicer said. He said the Florida indictment against Trollinger was issued to link him with the counterfeit ring in Miami. Trollinger is accused of being the man who took $5,000 in bogus bills from Miami for distribution elsewhere. Spicer said Trollinger did not pay for the counterfeit bills but took them on an arrangement under which he would share the final profits with the Miami people. Spicer said he did not knew the percentage of the profits Trollinger had agreed to share. The other four persons being held in Mecklenburg County Jail since their arrest after a wild pursuit through the city include Trollingers wife, Mrs. Julia Hayes Trollinger, 41, also of Shellman, Ga.; Mrs. Gloria Jean Loftin, 23, and Clyde Robert Lof-tin, 25, both of 125 Ann Place, Macon, Ga.; and Bobby Norris, 31, of Macon, Ga. Spicer said the Miami residents face fines of up to $5,000 or up to 15 years in prison or both on each count on which they are convicted.

Owner of originalThe Charlotte Observer Charlotte, North Carolina
Date12 Apr 1962, Thu • Page 16
File name2 arrested in Counterfeiting.JPG
File Size132.77k
Dimensions755 x 694
Linked toJames Ellis Trollinger

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