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Bad Bills Passers Sentenced
Bad Bills Passers Sentenced JVoman, 3 Men -Get 5 Years Each SHELBY (55 A shapely young blonde, her husband and two other men were sentenced to five years each in prison 1 here Tuesday after they pleaded guilty to possessing and distributing counterfeit money. Mrs. Gloria Jean Loftin, 23, a Macon, Ga., mother who drove the groups car during a wild police chase that ended in a wreck, smiled as Federal District Judge Wilson Warlick pass sentence. Mrs. Loftin, who Secret Service agents said admitted passing bogus $10 bills in three states, asked Warlick" if 14 days she spent in the Charlotte jail would count toward her sentence. No! answered the Judge. Others sentenced were Clyde Robert Loftin, 25, Mrs. Loftins husband; James Ellis Trollinger, 49, of Rt. 1, Shellman, Ga., and Bobby Norris, 41, of Macon. Trollingers wife, Julia Hayes Trollinger, 41, was arrested with the group. Charges against her were dropped. Police said she apparently had no knowledge of the counterfeit money. Police in Charlotte were alerted April 4 after the group passed some of the bogus money in Rock Hill, S. C., near the North Carolina-South Carolina line. Charlotte police chased the Georgians whose car Anally wrecked at a road block. During the chase, a bag containing $4,150 in counterfeit money was tossed from the car. It was recovered. Secret Service agent George J. Dipper read in court statements made by Trollinger. In the statement, Trollinger said he purchased the counterfeit money from a man in Miami, Fla., paying $20 per $100 in counterfeit money. He 6aid be contacted Norris who in turn got the Loftins to join them. As a result of Trollingers statement, three persons in Miami were arrested and convicted. Warlick compared the bogus bills with real money and remarked that the only difference was in the paper. Present during the trial was Loftins grandmother, who asked Warlick for a lighter sentence for her grandson. I believe youve already spoiled him too much, the judge told her.
Owner of original | The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, North Carolina |
Date | 18 Apr 1962, Wed • Page 41 |
File name | Bad-Bills-Passers-Sentenced.gif |
File Size | 269.38k |
Dimensions | 420 x 644 |
Linked to | Fannie Julia Hayes; James Ellis Trollinger |
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