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Lyon Harrill Vows Are Solemnized
Special to The Observer MOORESVILLE Dec 18—The wedding of Miss Sara Elizabeth Harrill daughter of Mrs. James A. Harrill and the late James Albert Harrill of this city and William Adair Lyon son of Dr. and Mrs. Scott Cary Lyon of Davidson was solemnized this morning at 11 o'clock at the home of the bride's mother with Rev. C. H. Myers officiating. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. Eugene Johnston pianist played and Mrs. R. Dewey Farrell of Greensboro sang The bride and bridegroom entered together The bride wore a three-piece wool suit of Dubonnet with a collar of Canadian lynx. Her off the face hat with short veil was slate blue as were her other accessories. A shoulder corsage of Narca orchids completed the costume. After the ceremony Mrs. Harrill entertained the out-of-town guests and members of the families at a buffet luncheon. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Lyon will make their home in Concord. Mrs. Lyon attended Meredith college and Greensboro college at Greensboro where she was graduated. She was vice president of the students association secretary of her class and chief marshal. Mr Lyon was graduated from Battleground academy in Franklin Tenn. and from Davidson College. He was a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and of the Scabbard and Blade military honorary fraternity. He is now connected with the Cannon mills at Kannapolis.
Owner of original | The Charlotte Observer Charlotte, North Carolina |
Date | 19 Dec 1937, Sun • Page 29 |
File name | LyonHarrill Vows Are Solemnized.JPG |
File Size | 78.74k |
Dimensions | 274 x 830 |
Linked to | Sara Elizabeth Harrill; William Adair Lyon |
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