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Mother (Sandy) and daughter (Lisa)

This is my 28th motherless Mother’s Day. I miss my mother dearly, but my life is no longer unbearable without her. Sometimes I feel bad that I rarely think of her…but I think that’s a result of my growth over the years. When a girl loses her mother at a young age, it’s hard to move forward when your identity is wrapped up in her. I self-destructed for many years. I’m grateful I came out on the other side of my grief and and figured out that I could evolve without her. I’m even more grateful I was able to raise Jason to adulthood without having my mom there to help, support, and guide me as a young mother.
In the few and far between moments that I think of her, I often hope she is proud of me. But, mostly, I wish I had had the opportunity to have an adult relationship with her and to get to really know her! She was an incredibly kind and generous human. She LOVED animals and didn’t know how to say “no” to a stray.
My Mom made a lot of mistakes but I always knew she loved me. I hope I was/am half the mother she was and I’d give anything for one more Mother’s Day just to tell her how much I appreciated everything she did, and didn’t do, for me!! (Facebook post by Lisa Marie 8 May 2022)

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Linked toSandra Marilyn "Sandy" Bowers

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