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Surprise Birthday Dinner

A surprise birthday dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mihlhauser February 19, 1939, in honor of the following birthdays: Mrs. C. W. Mihlhauser, Gene Wombles, Carl Trollinger, Gene Wombles, Jr., and Viola Brown. A wonderful dinner, which was contributed to by all, was enjoyed at the noon hour.
Those present to enjoy the day were Mr. and Mrs. John Wombles, Charles Wombles, of Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Wombles and two sons, Jimmie and Gene, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Pinkston and two sons, Frank and Forrest, Opal Pinkston, Howard Goodrich, Mr. and Mrs. Trollinger and son, Johnnie Trollinger, Carl Trollinger, Ruth Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brown, Harold Brown, Leona and Viola Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Milhauser. Games, music and conversation were enjoyed by all. All departed wishing the honor guests many more happy birthdays and all to be together next year.

Owner of original The Windsor Review
DateThursday, March 9th 1939
File nameCapture1.GIF
File Size56.62k
Dimensions310 x 595
Linked toCarl Wayne Trolinger

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