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Resolutions of Leesville Sabbath-school.

Whereas, inasmuch as our Heavenly Heavenly Father, in his divine wisdom, has removed from our midst Sister Martha Trollinger,one of the members of the Leesville Sunday-school; Sunday-school; therefore, be it Resolved, that while we bow in humble submission to him who is too wise to err, we can but feel our loss a sad and heavy one in the sudden and sad accident that caused the death of Sister Trollinger. The Sab bath-school bath-school bath-school has lost an earnest, true and faithful worker; the church, a consistent and faithful member; the community, a true and trusted friend. Unbounded in hospitality, a friend to the sick, the poor and needy will ever hold her name in high esteem for kindness received at her hand. That we extend our heart felt sympathy to the children, and relatives of Sister Trollinger, who now mourns their loss and commend them to the care of Him who is ever ready to heal the broken hearted and whose race is sufficient for all the trials and conflicts of this life. That a copy of these resolution be sent to the family of the deceased, also a copy be spread upon the minutes minutes of the Secretary, also a copy each of these resolutions be sent with request for publication to the count; papers J. W. Rinkle, Alice Acock, Mary Stakks. Committee.

Owner of originalThe Clinton Eye (Clinton, Missouri)
Date28 Feb 1891, Sat
File nameMarthaTrollingerobit.GIF
File Size59.26k
Dimensions309 x 821
Linked toMartha Ann Nichols

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