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Yvonne Trollinger Guest of Honor At Party, Dance
Yvonne Trollinger Guest of Honor At Party, Dance Celebrating her 15th birthday anniversary. anniversary. Miss Yvonne Trollinger was guest of honor at a surprise party and dance given by her parents. parents. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Trollinger, Trollinger, 307 North Evans street, recently recently m the YWCA clubrooms. Color scheme was the Pottstown Junior High school colors, purple and gold. A buffet luncheon was served and the honored guest received received many gifts. Present were Miss Sara Jane Capp, Miss Marguerite Blackwell, Miss Dorothy Kurtz. Miss Doris Erb, Miss Joyce Swavely, Miss Norma Twiner, Miss Janet Corbett, Miss Betty Jane Fegley, Miss Barbara Snell, Miss Fern Drumheller, Misa Marjorie Stofko, Miss Mary Thersea O'Donnell, Miss Colleen O'Neill, Miss Dorothy Dampman. Miss Eleanor Mock, Miss Frances Elliott, Miss Louise Psota, Miss Jane Trollinger, Miss Connie Chaplin and Miss Cherry Rachild. Also Mr. Richard Geyer, Mr Gerald Dames, Mr. David Kerr, Mr David Detar Jr., Mr Donald Flowers, Mr. Thomas Wayock, Mr. Donald Haag, Mr. Elmer Panoc, Mr Walter Carroll, Mr. Robert Russell, Mr. Robert Martz, Mr Joseph Hahn Jr., Mr George Prutzman, Mr, James Pollock Jr., Mr. Charles Hayer, Mr. Douglas Waters. Mr. Leonard Bernhart. Mr. Kenrick Dwver, Mr. Thomas Reidnauer 3d, Mr. Stanley Madeja, Mr. Rodney Custer, Mr. Gary Trollinger, Mr. G. Carlos Trollinger 3d, Mr. Edward Dames, Mrs. Leonard Rachild, Mrs. Charles Zern, Miss Nellie Koury, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Custer, the host and hostess, and the guest of honor.
Owner of original | The Mercury (Pottstown, Pennsylvania) |
Date | 09 May 1944, Tue |
File name | YvonneTrollinger.GIF |
File Size | 25.47k |
Dimensions | 188 x 567 |
Linked to | Gary Lee Trollinger; TEC5 George Carolus Trollinger, III; Shirley Yvonne Trollinger |
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