Report: all occuring second place name levels p, including frequency,
Description: all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by place name level
Alle voorkomende tweede niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen,geordend volgens plaatsnaam niveau
Matches 1351 to 1400 of 2557 » Comma-delimited CSV file
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# | Level_2 | Number |
1351 | Otter Tail | 2 |
1352 | Ottowa | 2 |
1353 | Ouachita | 1 |
1354 | Outagamie | 2 |
1355 | Owen | 2 |
1356 | Owyhee | 2 |
1357 | Ozark | 5 |
1358 | Ozark County | 3 |
1359 | Ozaukee | 3 |
1360 | PA | 133 |
1361 | Pacific | 1 |
1362 | Page | 10 |
1363 | Paisley | 2 |
1364 | Paisley. (2 Lang Avenue). | 1 |
1365 | Palm Beach | 7 |
1366 | Palo Alto | 3 |
1367 | Palo Pinto | 4 |
1368 | Pandgveswa | 1 |
1369 | Panola | 4 |
1370 | Park | 6 |
1371 | Parke | 14 |
1372 | Parke County | 1 |
1373 | Parker | 4 |
1374 | Pasco | 5 |
1375 | Paul | 1 |
1376 | Paulding | 4 |
1377 | Pawnee | 4 |
1378 | Payette | 2 |
1379 | Payne | 3 |
1380 | Pemiscot | 1 |
1381 | Pender | 1 |
1382 | Pennington | 4 |
1383 | Pennsylvania | 3 |
1384 | Penobscot | 2 |
1385 | Peoria | 4 |
1386 | Perkins | 3 |
1387 | Perry | 11 |
1388 | Perrysville | 1 |
1389 | Person | 2 |
1390 | Person County | 1 |
1391 | Pettis | 4 |
1392 | Pfortzheim | 1 |
1393 | Pforzheim | 7 |
1394 | Phelps | 5 |
1395 | Phila PA | 1 |
1396 | Philadelphia | 9 |
1397 | Phildadelphia | 1 |
1398 | Phildalephia | 1 |
1399 | Philippine Islands | 1 |
1400 | Philippines | 2 |
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