Report: Media without coordinates

         Description: Media zonder coordinaten

Matches 13951 to 13962 of 13962  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# mediaID Description mediatypeID Tree
13951 11180  WWII registration card  documents  tree1 
13952 13642  WWII Registration card for Richard Durain Anderson  documents  tree1 
13953 14221  WWII registration card for William Fred Batton  documents  tree1 
13954 8934  Year: 1940; Census Place: Madison, Davidson, Tennessee; Roll: m-t0627-03886; Page: 3A; Enumeration District: 19-40  documents  tree1 
13955 10809  Yearbook photo  photos  tree1 
13956 12040  Youth Unable To Be Friend's Pallbearer  documents  tree1 
13957 8911  Yvonne Trollinger Guest of Honor At Party, Dance  documents  tree1 
13958 107  Zach Cox Family  photos  tree1 
13959 13808  Zeb and Sue  photos  tree1 
13960 13863  Zeb C Burton Sr Obit  documents  tree1 
13961 13881  Zeb C. Burton Jr Deed Transfers  documents  tree1 
13962 21890  Zetta Mae nee Trollinger  documents  tree1 

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