Report: Media overview by media type

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Matches 23701 to 23750 of 23756  » Comma-delimited CSV file

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# MediaType MediaNr Description Tree
23701 photos  10339  Wedding day 4 Jul 2011 (pond at Drollinger Field, Bruce's place)  tree1 
23702 photos  5190  Wedding Photo  tree1 
23703 photos  13884  Wedding Photo for Julie Anne Burton  tree1 
23704 photos  5032  wedding pic  tree1 
23705 photos  14864  Wells' Asylum, Atchison, KS, where Merrit died. This is a postcard photo.  tree1 
23706 photos  17318  Were homeowners.  tree1 
23707 photos  11038  Weren't we the #Cutest lil kids! Haha :] #Day2 #Throwback #AtItsFinest #DecemberPhotoChallenge  tree1 
23708 photos  10286  Wes and mother, Kris  tree1 
23709 photos  16031  What a great pic!! Looking good Trullingers (Sherri Saunders Hughson)  tree1 
23710 photos  16989  Where I want to be!  tree1 
23711 photos  4694  Whitney Drollinger - Miss Meridian Teen USA  tree1 
23712 photos  11013  Who Are You? “Demon to Some. Angel to Others.” 😜
#SimplyMe #LoveMeOrHateMe #DoinMe #Glasses #NerdingOut #Oakleys #EmbraceTheLook #LongHair #Curls #SnapChatFilters #DoinMyThang #JustMeMyselfAndI #MovingForward 
23713 photos  18213  Wilda Karen Kearns wedding photograph  tree1 
23714 photos  21028  Will of Valerie  tree1 
23715 photos  23211  William  tree1 
23716 photos  4859  William "Bill" V. Trollinger  tree1 
23717 photos  4861  William "Bill" V. Trollinger College Football Article  tree1 
23718 photos  13571  William and Ernell  tree1 
23719 photos  15531  William B. Chrisman with his grandson Harold Christman  tree1 
23720 photos  11776  William Bill Bradford Lyon  tree1 
23721 photos  15827  WIlliam Durbin Trullinger and wife, Sarah Elizabeth Sapp  tree1 
23722 photos  21678  William Elick Curtis  tree1 
23723 photos  12077  William Gordon as a young stoker  tree1 
23724 photos  11460  William Harding Age 75 in 1918   tree1 
23725 photos  12183  William Jasper Trollinger   tree1 
23726 photos  12184  William Jasper Trollinger and Cousin Carol Wiel  tree1 
23727 photos  4862  William Jasper Trollinger II  tree1 
23728 photos  4892  William Jasper Trollinger III  tree1 
23729 photos  13811  William Moses Burton  tree1 
23730 photos  13812  William Moses Burton  tree1 
23731 photos  15981  William Nelson Main  tree1 
23732 photos  8448  William P. Wharton (standing middle)  tree1 
23733 photos  185  William Skelly as a young man  tree1 
23734 photos  13635  William Stratford May US School Yearbooks North Carolina University Chapel Hill  tree1 
23735 photos  16443  William Vance Trollinger  tree1 
23736 photos  12827  William Vinicum Rhodes  tree1 
23737 photos  13485  Winnie and Guy  tree1 
23738 photos  10876  With Christine McGonigal Halliday at The Church at LifePark.  tree1 
23739 photos  13580  With grandfather, Darrell  tree1 
23740 photos  15307  With grandson  tree1 
23741 photos  10253  WL, Grace and Mary Louise Trolinger Galveston TX  tree1 
23742 photos  11684  Women Suspects  tree1 
23743 photos  20963  Wuertemberg family tables  tree1 
23744 photos  13246  WWII DRC  tree1 
23745 photos  13247  WWII DRC  tree1 
23746 photos  9048  Yearbook  tree1 
23747 photos  10809  Yearbook photo  tree1 
23748 photos  11096  Yearbook photo  tree1 
23749 photos  14472  Yep.... one week 7 days my oldest will be off to college. It is so hard to believe it went so fast. Everything was like a blink of an eye now. I am so happy for her to pursue her dreams but why am I so sad? Yea there are days she make me crazy and I am sure I made her crazier. Am I nervous for her? Well of course... I dont want anyone to crush her sweet spirit, her happiness and love for people and life. I pray she has safe travels to Stillwater, enjoys every moment and brings home dirty laundry for me to wash some times. I love you little my Caycay! Go Pokes!  tree1 
23750 photos  14460  You were a Eagle Scout, a Fighting Texas Aggie, a Marine, a Decorated War Hero.... but to me your my Dad. You gave your all in every thing you did. You loved with all your soul and family was 1st. I am glad you are free of Cancer and Pneumonia. You are whole again! I love you and will miss you. But I will see you again! Remember- you are the light that shouldn’t be on and the silver at your feet. I love you!  tree1 

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