Report: Different surname as both parents
Description: People whose last names is different from the last name of the father AND the last name of the mother.
Mensen met een andere achternaam dan de vader EN de mother.
Matches 1 to 50 of 398 » All Reports » Comma-delimited CSV file
# | Person ID | Last Name | First Name | Birth Date | Living | Tree | Fatherlast_name | Motherlast_name |
1 | I14744 | Abraham-Trullinger | Broder Hans "Bon" | 19 Aug 1895 | 0 | tree1 | Trullinger | Wood |
2 | I16295 | |||||||
3 | I34323 | Barrett | Mattie | Oct 1877 | 0 | tree1 | Montgomery | MNU |
4 | I43010 | Belcher | Claude Douglas | 15 Feb 1896 | 0 | tree1 | Perkerson | Trollinger |
5 | I25660 | Belcher | Samuel T. "Estee" "ST" | 18 Nov 1898 | 0 | tree1 | Perkerson | Trollinger |
6 | I16070 | Belden | Beulah Martha | 21 Nov 1922 | 0 | tree1 | Drollinger | Gardner |
7 | I16069 | Belden | Byron Bertrand | 6 Feb 1919 | 0 | tree1 | Drollinger | Gardner |
8 | I16071 | |||||||
9 | I16067 | Belden | Floyd Gerald | 26 Mar 1911 | 0 | tree1 | Drollinger | Gardner |
10 | I16068 | Belden | Theron | 12 Jul 1913 | 0 | tree1 | Drollinger | Gardner |
11 | I2285 | Binggeli | Elisabeth | 6 Dec 1833 | 0 | tree1 | Binggerli | Oppliger |
12 | I11296 | Bryant | Anna Mae | 28 Nov 1872 | 0 | tree1 | O'Bryant | Ludwick |
13 | I11295 | Bryant | Frank Everett | 5 Jan 1871 | 0 | tree1 | O'Bryant | Ludwick |
14 | I17706 | Bryant | Julia Ann | 23 Dec 1835 | 0 | tree1 | O'Bryant | Drullinger |
15 | I11297 | Bryant | William Roy | 22 Dec 1877 | 0 | tree1 | O'Bryant | Ludwick |
16 | I2840 | Campbell | William Argyle | 1832 | 0 | tree1 | Buchanan | Johnson |
17 | I20634 | Campbell Druelinger | John William | 10 Aug 1933 | 0 | tree1 | Druelinger | Reed |
18 | I3653 | Chang | Deuk Sik | 10 Jan 1953 | 0 | tree1 | So | Sub |
19 | I43282 | |||||||
20 | I8514 | |||||||
21 | I38223 | Crabtree-Trolinger | Emily Michelle | Jan 1990 | 0 | tree1 | Unknown | Crabtree |
22 | I31985 | Crumley | Harold Raymond | 30 Jun 1929 | 0 | tree1 | Crumly | McCollum |
23 | I31984 | Crumley | Phyllis Evelyn | 13 Jul 1920 | 0 | tree1 | Crumly | McCollum |
24 | I33795 | Crunk | Melba Corrine | 12 Feb 1912 | 0 | tree1 | Swedenburg | Robertson |
25 | I28035 | Dean | Ardelia "Delia" | Feb 1890 | 0 | tree1 | Kelly | MNU |
26 | I21089 | Dedmon | Alma Jane "Minnie" | 26 Apr 1896 | 0 | tree1 | Deadmon | Trollinger |
27 | I21092 | Dedmon | Earl Theodore | 21 Mar 1905 | 0 | tree1 | Deadmon | Trollinger |
28 | I21091 | Dedmon | Edd Warner | 13 Apr 1901 | 0 | tree1 | Deadmon | Trollinger |
29 | I21088 | Dedmon | Nettie Ann | 24 Oct 1894 | 0 | tree1 | Deadmon | Trollinger |
30 | I25756 | DeGiambattista-Trolinger | Marie Lynn | 28 Jan 1917 | 0 | tree1 | DeGiambattista | Arbetta |
31 | I35170 | Demumbreum | Wallace Cecil | 14 Aug 1929 | 0 | tree1 | Demombreun | Nelson |
32 | I42256 | Dickerson | James Mathew "Nickman" | 10 Aug 1963 | 0 | tree1 | Trollinger | Senior |
33 | I19056 | Diehl (Burton) | Clara Marie | Abt 1904 | 0 | tree1 | Diehl | Trullinger |
34 | I19057 | Diehl (Burton) | James Galen | 1906 | 0 | tree1 | Diehl | Trullinger |
35 | I44754 | |||||||
36 | I12061 | Drewliner | Leonard Rush | 12 May 1876 | 0 | tree1 | Druliner | Rush |
37 | I17962 | Drewlinger | Francis Marion "Frank" | Abt 1840 | 0 | tree1 | Drulinger | Peter |
38 | I17959 | Drewlinger | John Alva | 14 Jul 1904 | 0 | tree1 | Druelinger | Lee |
39 | I22034 | Dreyer | Maria Magdalena | 17 Oct 1868 | 0 | tree1 | Doryer | MNU |
40 | I39233 | Drollinger | Anje "Anna" "Annie" | 1 Nov 1863 | 0 | tree1 | Drolinga | Zijlema |
41 | I21959 | |||||||
42 | I13110 | |||||||
43 | I29370 | |||||||
44 | I15209 | Drollinger | Laura Anne | 15 Oct 1972 | 0 | tree1 | Wilson-Drollinger | Bowers |
45 | I17387 | Drollinger | Mary Jane | Abt 1845 | 0 | tree1 | Drullinger | Isley |
46 | I8512 | |||||||
47 | I24699 | Drollinger | Rosine | 1 Aug 1875 | 0 | tree1 | Diebold | Diebold |
48 | I8507 | |||||||
49 | I13109 | Drollinger | Vance Harvey | 3 Jan 1938 | 0 | tree1 | Ludlow | Hardman |
50 | I22878 | Drollinger | William | Jun 1870 | 0 | tree1 | Drulinger | Boese |
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